My House

It's constantly changing & transforming, but it is my happy place full of color & collected items that I have fallen in love with.

What paint colors are in your home?
Wall Colors:
Living Room/Kitchen/Foyer: a dark turquoise - Ace Hardware Forgotten Secret A38-5
Master Bedroom: a fun green - Ace Hardware Limeheart B29-5
Master Bathroom: One shade lighter green than master - Ace Hardware Picture Perfect B29-4
Everett's Room: a perfect gray
Ollie's Nursery: a barn red - Ace Hardware Lady in Red A11-7
Kids' / Guest Bathroom: an emerald / Jade green - Color Place - Walmart - Arugula 91322
Basement: a fun canary yellow: Walmart Color Place Thai Silk 91212
Laundry Room: truly tide orange - Ace Hardware Indian Paintbrush A17-6
Basement Bathroom: Caruso Blue - Color Place - Walmart - 91433
Aubrie's Room:  a sweet turquoise- Ace Hardware - Peace River A38-3
Fitness Room:  a sassy greenish yellow - Ace Hardware - Goldendale A29-4

Furniture Redos:
Office Desk Redo - Ace Hardware Rossland A38-4
Foyer Yellow Armoire Redo - Lowe's - Fuzzy Navel


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