Here are some big and little things I am thankful for this month:
My husband - he was made just for me - thank you God!
My kids - 3 bundles of me and Jade to hug & kiss
My big ole family - they make life a lot more fun & are always there when I need them
My house - I feel very blessed to have the things we have & the home that Jade has built for us
Our wood boiler - it keeps the house nice and warm without the electricity bill to match
Furry boots - yes I love them all!
Surgeons - Ollie's doctor's hands amaze me to this day!
Early Intervention - these ladies come see us in our home weekly & teach me and Ollie amazing skills so she can be the best that she can be
Burt's Bee chapstick - yes I love it
Christmas stockings by my Mom - they are always amazing & perfect!
Trudie - her snores and snorts are comforting in some weird way
3 of the 21st chromosome
Beachbody - I have lost 23 pounds & I went from a size 14 to a size 6 - yes I love this just for me!
Jesus - he gave me eternal life & God carried me through Ollie's surgery by giving me faith
anything old & rusty that I can cram into my house
Diamonique jewelry - I can look like a million bucks for much, much less
furry blankets
popcorn in the popper like Dad makes it
memories of my family in our big farmhouse as we grew up
memories of Christmas with my Grandparents
my best friend in the whole world - you know who you are & we NEED date!
Twilight - yes I'm one of those girls & excited about a new movie!
date nights with the husband
hibachi grills with a cook throwing up some killer friend rice
when Maggie makes amazing cookies
that my sister & brother in law agreed to move in with us, and that they like it!
the opportunity to be a stay at home Mom - a dream I've held onto since I was a child
snuggles with kids when they don't feel well
doctors that make them feel better
a church that makes me want to dance and sing like mad & then cry when the pastor is just amazing & he always is!
a driveway alarm - it has made my life remarkably easier - bizarre I know!
new sheet day - something about new sheets just makes me happy so I change them often
winter smells - cinnamon, coffee, banana bread - any of those candles are usually sold in a heartbeat to girls like me
Ethel Edith days where we sling paint & laugh hard
dancing with my sisters like idiots in paint splattered clothes in a dirty old shed as we sling paint
Snoop Dog and Dr. Dre - wish I could listen to them in my Mom van but with 3 kids that never happens
Jason Mraz - he is my happy music
memories of my car from high school - buttercup - a 1976 Ford Gran Torino - I drove her in 1998!
memories of selling said car on eBay to the highest bid in the UK & shipping the car to the UK where it's being completely gutted & rebuilt - and not even kidding you - Buttercup rides again!
pug puppies
gator rides around the cows
watching the cows chase the gator as the kids yell to them
fires in the back yard
kids belly laughing
skinny jeans
sweaters - I can finally wear them at home b/c I used to roast in them in my old office when I worked!
freshly painted toenails
making a perfect piece of jewelry that makes someone else cry with joy
hugs when I need them most
apparently the list could go on and on but I will spare you! I'm mostly thankful of where I am in life - I feel extremely blessed with everything God has poured onto my family - last year I wasn't in this same frame of mind so it's nice to be here now!