Sunday, January 15, 2012

What A Trip!

The trip down was a long one. 

Ollie was happy as long as she had her chicken and a dvd facing her new seat. 

She rode like a champ!  Such an easy baby!

Even the big kids were good.

We expected to be asked "when will we be there" a bajillion and twenty times.

Aubrie asked if we were half way there before we left Shelbyville - oh yes she did!  That was about it though, they watched movies, played DS, and slept a wee bit.  We stayed over in Atlanta - I slept awful.

I drove 2 hours - Jade drove 14 - he's the bestest that way!

Have you heard that people with DS are ALWAYS happy?  Why yes - so true - this picture proves it!  Ha!

We stayed at a Nickelodeon hotel when we arrived and I tried to take pictures - this was the best I got.  Sorry you will have to google the resort to see what it was really like.

It was 58 degrees & the kids insisted on swimming and further insisted that the pool was as "warm as bath water".  Mmm hmm sure I bet it was!

Today we hit up SeaWorld.  How many butts can you fit in a stroller?  Two, if the tiny butt lets her undies hang out & the bubble butt puts his hat on ghetto style.

They marveled at the dolphins

they laughed so hard at the sea lions that people turned around to see what kids were giggling

they jumped at the opportunity to look over every.single.waterfall.  Yes we don't have decorative ponds in Shelbyville!

And they posed with polar bears.

All in all it's been great!  Tomorrow - Magic Kingdom!!


  1. YAY!!! It looks like you are having so much fun! :)

  2. Looks like you guy are having a blast!! Love the picture of the kids in the stroller!!

  3. I wish I were in that stroller with them. I would need to remove my underwear to make room. haha


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