Friday, January 13, 2012

And We're Off!!

Pray for Jade and I as we caravan the minivan 16+ hours to the land of sunshine, gators, and last but not least characters.  That's right we're headed to Florida and going to stop in to kiss some of our favorite friends while we are there!

While you wait for new posts filled with my crazy kiddos - here are some of my favorites from our last vacation.

Oh and Ann - prepare yourself for the tornado also known as the Reid kids - they are going to blow your mind!!

Oh and if you were thinking about ransacking our house, sleeping in my bed, and eating our food - you are gonna have to fight off Maggie Jo - I know that stinky rat is going to be tucked into my king sized bed living it up!!


  1. Have a great time on your vacation!! Enjoy your time together. Also, just read your post below...couldn't agree with you more. Thanks for sharing both your struggles and many many joys with Ollie. She is precious and perfect.

  2. Drive safe. If for any reason I have to also make that drive without having the time to vacation I will be less than thrilled. Kiss the kids for me. Take lots of pictures. And, if Ollie O doesn't dip at least her nubby little toes in the ocean I will throw a fit. Love you!

  3. Jade + Fez equals AWESOME!

    Have a "Magical" time! Can't wait to see pictures.



  4. I feel the need for a photo session....mmm hmmm

  5. Oh I am so excited. For once I want to leave SoCal and go home! Hope to see you soon! And Aubrie, please don't get to close to those gators!!! My minions and me are excited to meet ALL of you! Ann


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie