Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A Magical Kingdom

Yesterday was a long but awesome day!

We started out right at the Magic Kingdom.

It was like the mother ship (the castle) was calling us home.

We arrived probably around 10 AM and left around 9:30 PM.

Long day, but a great time & the kids were awesome.

This baby is the easiest, happiest girl around.  She slept in the stroller or smiled and flirted with people all day.

The teacup ride was hysterical.  Jade spun those kids so fast - I was thankful I was not in the teacup!

They proceeded to pull the sword from the stone - no luck!

The first parade was spectacular!  We sat by the street and the characters came over and high fived the kids over and over!

Aubrie stole my camera - she thinks she's big snapping her own pictures - ha-larious!!

It was such a magical day.  I seriously love Disney & agree with Aubrie.  She said "Disney world is so great it even tastes good."  Yes she's obviously my daughter!

My kids favorite characters are Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy, and Pluto.

We saw them all!!

He stole the stroller all day long & his face lights up so big - makes me tear up every time!

She kept luring in the dancers with her sweet style.  The girls kept coming over and high fiving her & she'd get all shy.  What a cutie!

One of Cinderella's Mice kissed Ollie.  I was mad scrambling trying to zoom out the camera - this is what I got...I suck I know!

This picture of Belle - is for Cline Daniel.  Cline - she waved and said to tell you she loves you.

I told you - Aubrie was rocking mad style!

Everett was a shoulder rider if he wasn't in the stroller.  If Jade turned his body anyway Everett did not like he'd jerk Jade's head the opposite direction like a horse.  It was killing me!

Aubrie tried out space mountain & insisted on sitting in the front car.  You ride single so I wasn't sitting by her and the entire time I was wondering if she was crying.  I loved it, but it was pitch black and curved like crazy.  When we got off she wasn't crying, but she said she was NOT doing that again.  

We spent 3 hours at the castle in the evening.  They had a character dance party.  We shook our tail feathers and danced in the street with Donald.

(PS that is NOT my body next to Aubrie!)

Then we watched the most amazing electrical parade where the characters were lit up in Christmas lights & so were the floats.  They had this amazing show on the castle where it was lit up in fiber optics and the entire castle changed images & projected pictures of people in the park all day - it was amazing.  The fireworks followed & Tinkerbell flew right over us.  The kids squealed!  I'm telling you it was spectacular.  Oh and yes no pictures of all this because my camera battery died - so my luck!

Such a great day! 

Today we hit the pool!


  1. What a wonderful time!

  2. Love the pictures!! Looks like a great time...Exhausting, but great :)


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