Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Party For All

Everett turns 4 on Tuesday.  Caroline turns 2 on the 20th.  So what did we do?

A combined birthday party!  Since baby Penelope is due on the 22nd and could come any day, we wanted to get the party in and celebrate!

Everett wore the official birthday cake hat and showed off his new digits.


I can't believe this boy is 4 - where does the time go?


All the kids huddle around Jade for some precious Daddy time.


Maggie bought the two birthday kids some killer shades.  I took the picture multiple times & captain blinks a lot blinked every time!  I think she just wanted to show off her killer lashes!


Aubrie was more excited than anyone.  She was thrilled for a party - any kind of party makes her day the "best day ever!"


Even Ollie got in on some hat action, but she wasn't fond of it!


We had two cakes.  Everett was thrilled to blow out his candles!


Caroline mostly spit blowing hers out, but Aubrie & Everett helped her.  They are always willing to help when it comes to opening someone elses gifts too!


Ollie spent some time loving on her Pa.


And Trudie moped because she ate so much cake she puked...


It was a righteous party!!


  1. What a cool family you have! I love birthdays! I ate too much DQ ice cream cake last night. My oldest son Jeremy turned 26 on the 9th. My baby turns 18 August 20th. She shares that date with my pretty niece Katie! She is an engineer. She got it all, beauty and brains! Hee Hee! Love you and those precious babies.

  2. Oh that Trudie!


  3. Happy birthday. May toy live many many more.

  4. That was not cake Trudie ate!


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