Monday, August 15, 2011

Headed To St. Louis

Tomorrow is a big day for us!

We are headed back to St. Louis for Ollie's follow up visit.  It's a day packed full of appointments.  Please pray for us that everything goes smoothly and we get good news all around.

We are starting at the Down Syndrome center for a 6 month followup.  We will also see Dr. Johnson, her cardiologist.  I'm hoping we get an echo and find out about the leakage of her valves.  Last we knew it was mild.  We are praying it doesn't get progressively worse which would mean another surgery at some point.  When he last saw him, he said our next echo would give us a better idea on a future surgery, so this is probably tomorrow so pray for very mild leakage!  Then we are heading to the opthamologist for an eye exam.  She has nystagmus, which means her eyes shake sometimes when she focuses.  It's typical in children with DS and is because of low muscle tone.  However, some children also need glasses and with Aubrie's poor vision it's always a possibility.  I think Ollie would be adorable in glasses, but we really don't want another set of specs if possible!

So pray pray pray & also pray for baby Vada who is in St. Louis now for seizures, and for baby Grace who is having open heart surgery tomorrow for an AV Canal.


  1. I'll be praying for you! All of those appointments make it a long day for everyone, with a lot of info for you to take in. *Hugs*

  2. Prayers all around! Good luck :-) I swear, I have never seen baby smiles bigger than Ollie's!

  3. Prayers from the Christensen's every night. Any leakage that might be coming is just filling her little body with Joy. She has so much happness coming out of her shes just gotta let you stress a little or you would be exploding with how awesome she is. I havent met her (excited to soon)but she is something special! God knows how strong you guys are and there is always good that comes from a hard situation it just takes time to see it. We love you and will always continue praying.

  4. That picture is sooo cute!! Her smiles are addictive. Praying hard for all 3 baby girls!!

  5. She is just so dang sweet, I just want to hug her!

    prayers and hugs coming your way!

  6. I pray for all of them, please let us know the good news as soon as possible.

  7. They are all in my thoughts and hope that Ollie's trip to St. Louis brings good news. Ann {Ollie}

  8. The Graceland clan is praying for Ollie tomorrow that her echo shows a healthy and stable heart that doesn't require any more surgery! Thank you for including us in your prayer requests!

  9. Cant wait to see that sweet smiling face in person!!!

  10. Praying for Ollie.. Gosh really just look at her face... :)


  11. I'll be thinking of you guys tomorrow, praying all goes well.

  12. Hope the day goes well... we know the drill! :)

    We love Dr Johnson!! And Grange. And of course Culican, Silvestros, Rallo, and Lueder at the eye center. We have been seeing them frequently with pesky nystagmus, among other things for 4 years. They are a great bunch!!

    Blessings for an excellent day at SLCH!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie