Saturday, June 11, 2011


Another good night!

I went to sleep at 12:30 in the morning.  Jade pulled another all-nighter.  That man is amazing.  I told him I bet the nurses think at home he takes care of the baby during the night too!  Little do they know how he loves his sleep.  He obviously loves me more because I slept until 6 and just was up just a few times.  I realized last night that when I am up, for some reason I can only keep one eye open - it's quite the look.  Hard sleep was ah-mazing!  I forced him to go nap at 8:30 this morning at the hotel.  He's going to crash hard because I know I did.  I was in the room with Ollie & never heard the machines beeping or the nurse in and out - I slept hard - yay!

Here is the chair/bed in Ollie's room where one of us can sleep.  It actually is not too bad!

The other one gets this chair & trust me after a few hours this chair is terrible!

Today she's even more herself.  We've seen a few smiles and she's talked a bit.  It's so exciting to see!  The tough girl also went so long on just Tylenol.  Can you even imagine?  She was due for more morphine at 10 PM, but she went until 8 this morning before you could tell she was uncomfortable and needing some help.  Talk about "walking" it off!  She got her morphine and morning meds and she's resting now.

They were hoping to move her to a regular pediatric room, but she's still working with a bit too much fluid so they are keeping her in the cardiac ICU for now.  I am fine with this because she is watched like a hawk & I like that..  They have upped her Lasix from twice a day to three times today and threw in an extra diuretic.  After she rests some she gets her central line out and her chest drainage tube out.  I am SO excited because this means I can nurse her!  She will be thrilled too because she really isn't enjoying the bottles.  She's eating maybe an ounce at a time with the bottles and you can tell she thinks they are crap.  I don't blame her, I'd rather be holding her too!

I am nervous about holding and moving her around.  However, the nurses do it and she seems to not care.  I have to just pump myself up for that.

So for now that's all I have, but I'm sure more great news is around the bend for us today!

She is seriously a rock star.  A tiny ten pound bundle of strength!!

I just marvel at how babies bounce back from a surgery like this & also at how good God has been to us!


  1. Don't worry about getting moved Annie. We were in the CICU the whole time and still went home on day 4! Everyone is different and Ollie is much younger that V but don't get discouraged she is looking great and doing great! The Wilson's are still cheering her on-we claim to be some of her biggest fans- and were constantly praying for her and for you and the rest of you family! Thanks for keeping us updated!

  2. Annie,

    I'm a perfect stranger - but also family, as a sister in Christ! I learned about Ollie just a few days ago from A Perfect Lily (which I also discovered only a few days ago). I believe the Lord allowed me to "meet" your family now so I could have the joy of praying through this experience with you all. I rejoice at the Lord's amazing goodness to you all in allowing the surgery to be so successful!! I'm praying that as you all "wait on the Lord" each hour of the day you will continue to know the experience of "renewing your strength - mounting up on eagles' wings - running and not growing weary." (Is. 40:31)


  3. Awesome Annie ..Thats Amazing Great That Little Ollie Is Doing Amazing ..I Love Reading The Updates Thank You For Keeping Us All Updated We Love Hearing/Reading Them <3 Ya !!

  4. Looking like home will come before long.We hit the road on day 7 and that was remaining intubated for almost 4 of those,so I imagine you will beat that!

    I remember one of the amazing CTICU nurses saying that the older patients that could talk,would often say their greatest discomfort came form the chest tube,so again,with that puppy pulled,I am certain you will see more of your little loves personality emerge all the more!

    Prayers for a happy,forward moving day ... that perhaps also entails some cuddling and nursing.How great would that be?

  5. Oh and after reading your previous post,I thought of this quote,that I have drawn on many times over the last 4 years:

    "Only if you have been in the deepest valley, can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain."
    ~Richard M. Nixon

  6. I always look forward to reading morning updates on Ollie, to see how her night went and how she is doing. I am so happy that she is doing so well, she is a tough little girl! Praying that she continues to recover as beautifully as she has done so far and be able to go home soon!

  7. I am so thrilled for all of you! That girl is one tough cookie! God Bless her! She looks like such an innocent lil angel sleeping! I praise God that He is overseeing her healing! God Bless You all! Hugs Anne


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie