Friday, June 10, 2011

My Life on DVR...

On Wednesday on the way down to St. Louis Jade & I were both talking about how we seriously wished our life was on a DVR.  That we could fast forward through time.  We didn't want to experience open heart surgery Thursday.  We wanted to skip forward, not the small 15 second skip, but the 300x forward button to at least Friday.

It was by far the hardest thing ever. 

However, tonight we went to dinner.  We called it a "date".  We really went to the cafeteria and ate.  It was then I told Jade, I know why we can't fast forward time. 

You see if we hadn't experienced the heart ache, fear, & anxiety that comes along with a major operation on your child, you can't fully appreciate the beautiful health that comes afterward.  We wouldn't be in complete awe over how awesome she's doing today, if we hadn't cried over our initial shock of seeing her yesterday.

So when you feel that God has put a burden on you that you can't carry.  Remember that soon it shall pass, and you can't see the beauty in every day if you haven't experienced a few storms.

God is so so so so good!


  1. ...and the lessons keep on coming! I want to remember THIS one, Annie. Thank you for "weathering it" personally (and together with Jade & the rest of your family) and then for stating it so well.

    Prayers continue for Ollie & her incredible family.♥

  2. Prayers continue. She is beautiful. . . a mere reflection of the beauty of our God! Awesome. Amazing. Hope your birthday was great, Annie.
    nana cam

  3. Oh Annie, you are such a beautiful soul! Anne

  4. I love that philosophy and am so very happy that Ollie's doing well!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie