Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Update on Ollie

Today I went to the specialist for an ultrasound to monitor Ollie's growth & while we were there they decided to do another full echo of Ollie's heart.

Today was a good day - no more bad news.  As far as everything is concerned Ollie is doing well & growing.  She's on the smaller scale, but at the 38% they aren't concerned about her size right now.  Her heart, other than her AV Canal defect that is scary, looks good & is growing how it should - that was a huge relief.  Sometimes the heart will grow unevenly with this defect, but hers is even - praise the lord!

So basically no new news is good news!  The Dr. was upset that I still haven't been called with an appointment time for Peoria to see a pediatric cardiologist so she personally called today.  I should have my appointment by Friday or I am to call her and hopefully she'll throw a stomping fit and I'll be in.  I'm really hoping to get up there before vacation or the week after we are back.  I'm anxious to talk to the pediatric cardiologist & get all the information I can about Ollie's heart.

So thank you for the continued prayers!  Keep them coming - she's one special and very loved little girl!


  1. Thank you for keeping us updated. Ollie is in our prayers, as are you and your entire family.

  2. Yay for good news! Enjoy your trip; we will be further south in Ft. Lauderdale.

  3. Good News! Amen. Oh, the power of prayer! Love you guys!

  4. All good to hear! Did u get to see Ollie in 3D? If you ask they'll try to do it. Believe me..., I asked everytime..., "can I see her face,please."
    Continuing to pray,

  5. hooray! we will continue to pray:O) <3

  6. Wonderful news!
    Congrats! ; )

  7. Wonderful! As a mom of a boy with Special Needs, I can assure you that Ollie was given to you as Gods Special Gift! I believe we are chosen to care and raise these special children because he knows we can with great love and patience. You will especially notice as your other two children grow, how compationate that they become to the world around them all due to their baby sister. So glad to hear that things went well today and you are in my thoughts!

    Suzanne Gallagher

  8. I'm glad you found out things were going well.

    Love, hugs and prayers coming your way


  9. Annie, so good to know that the news you received today was good news! I will continue to keep Ollie, you and family in my thoughts and prayers.. Praying too that you can get in for an appointment at Peoria by Friday to see a pediatric cardiologist as you are wanting to do.. Take care!


  10. So good to hear! The squeaky wheel gets the grease - keep bugging that Doc for an appointment!! Love, Jessica

  11. Annie,
    Glad you got good news today...praying everyday for little Ollie. Have a wonderful trip to Disney..I'm so jealous :)

  12. so glad for good news! praying for healing for you guys!

  13. Good news ! I thought of you yesterday while we were at Columbia..... there were lots of pregnant mommies there having echo's and such. Oh and I saw the world's cutest little girl with Ds - she was a doll - had on these footie pjs and was just starting to walk - I'd guess she was about a year old. Soooooooo sweet and loved to wave at everyone !

    Praying for you in jersey, my friend !



Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie