Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Checkup For Ollie

Tomorrow I have another level II ultrasound.  This is my third so far + add in the two regular ultrasounds that never detected a thing.

My Mom is going with me and I'm excited for her.  These ultrasounds are so detailed, they are just really something to see.  She's been to a regular ultrasound, but never a level II so she'll be surprised.  Jade can't go along tomorrow so I'm praying that the only news we get is the news we already know.

So say a prayer or ten for baby Ollie and us tomorrow.  They are mainly checking her growth to make sure she's growing along (which I know she is because I can definitely feel a difference in her size within the last few weeks)!  They also are monitoring her heart to make sure that both sides continue to grow together - sometimes one side doesn't grow and becomes smaller & I really don't want that problem added to the list.  So please pray hard & I'll update everyone tomorrow!

God bless!

PS - 3 weeks and counting and we are still waiting to get into Peoria to meet our pediatric cardiologist.  I'm really hoping the specialist tomorrow can get it lined up for us.  I thought last week my OB was going to get us in very soon, but that was Thursday and so far no call yet so I'm keep praying we'll have that appointment date as soon as we can get in.


  1. BloggyHugs and prayers to you and your family.

  2. Prayers to you and your family! Hope you find out Ollie is growing just fine.

    Love and hug,

  3. You and your lovely family our in my prayers today.

    Suzanne Gallagher

  4. I have been thinking a lot about you and Miss Ollie lately. I hope that your Sono goes well today. Above and beyond the actual reason for having them done, I looked forward to these during my pregnancy, it was fun seeing Vada! Enjoy seeing Ollie! P.s. I am sure that you tried this, but you may want to recontact your doctors to make sure the referral hasn't been overlooked..., or just call Peoria, they may have mis-placed it..? It happens, and three weeks is a bit longer than expected. :)
    Blessings and Peace!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie