Friday, October 22, 2010

Best Mommy Ever!

OK OK I will admit that I'm not the best Mommy ever, or the most patient Mommy ever.  Anyone who has been around my house when my kids are wild banshees knows this to be true.

But I try.  So next week will be hectic to say the least.  We have a costume contest/party at tumbling, a costume day at school where I signed up to bring treats, and at Aubrie's school - no costumes, but funny feet day!

So I'll be busy baking & crafting costumes & funny feet for next week.

Everett will be taking my own spin on these to his party.  I hope they resemble these b/c how cute and easy!

Aubrie will be rocking out some yellow rubber gloves that I hope to transform into chicken feet. 

So competing toddler mommies - watch out.  I'm trying to win Mommy of the year from my kids.  After I accomplish all of the above - be sure to check back so you can see them in my version with my adorable babies!

PS - I hope they don't stop calling me Mommy for a long time.  Even though sometimes I wish they said Daddy more often :)

Pray for baby Ollie - heart evaluation on the 26th!  We want a strong healthy heart!


  1. LOVE the chicken feet...that is hilarious!!

    Can't wait to see their costunes, and of course BIG prayers from our house for Ollie!

    Happy Weekend!


  2. Overachieving Mommy alert!!!!

    You rock. And those cupcakes are the best!

  3. Oh, those chicken feet are the best!! My oldest called me "mommy" the longest, but as soon as he started calling me mom, little sister did too. {{Ollie}} Ann

  4. Chicken feet! Hilarious! Cupcakes cool! Being mommy: priceless! Anne

  5. Will be praying for precious baby Ollie.

  6. Hi Annie - I'm coming over from Anne's blog (Annesphamily). Saying a prayer for your baby Ollie.



Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie