Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bathroom Remodel Update

To get the scoop on why we remodeled our kids'/guest bathroom click here.  In all honesty it's been a very quick project, but with all the news about Ollie it took us longer than we expected.

Here is our new steel bathtub that I'm certain the kids won't punch holes through.  Jade then put up our cement board to prepare for our subway tile.

Here we are starting the tile.  I honestly did most of the tiling while he did the cutting, but I took the pictures so you won't see me in here.  Oh and hey Shannan - I have a cute maintenance man too!

Oh and without planning it we threw out some free advertisement with Jade's shirt - if you need a good mason or concrete work - call Fox & Austin - they do A-Mazing work. 

Spacers are VERY important with subway tile.  They would slip and slide quite a bit so we had to take our time to make sure they lined up and matched in the corners. 

We spent a lot of time in here tiling all the walls and hearing big stories from Aubrie about aminal friends and garbage birds.  Just so you know - garbage birds eat so much they can't fly, but if a coyote comes to eat them - they puke on the coyotes.  I didn't know this fun fact either, but some how she did.

That is the face of a hard working, concentrated man.

Here is the tile with no grout.  Pretty sweet eh!

This is the tile grouted with white.  It looks SO darn good.  I'm in love with it.  Please note we made a serious boo boo on this job.  We cut out extra dry wall when we ripped out the old shower surround to make this shower taller.  In the planning we planned on 3x6 tiles.  Then surprise, the bull nose tiles were 2x6.  So we had an extra inch gap between the drywall and cement board.  This required 3 coats of drywall to patch our mistake.

Looks great though doesn't it?

When we built, I opted for textured knock down walls.   I like to put a lot of holes in my walls with my endless projects & this helps my walls not look terrible.  So we had to buy a can of texture spray to make the walls blend.  Here is what that looks like before you knock it down.  It's called orange peel.

Here is the master carpenter, knocking down the texture.

Last night I put on 2 coats of Arugula paint, and tonight Jade caulks around the exterior.  Tomorrow night - oh yeah baby - the kids get in this tub & I get them out of my claw foot tub & trust me - I'm looking forward to that!

If you are just catching up.  Pray for baby Ollie - we go to the specialist the 26th & believe we'll have good news!


  1. It looks beautiful! I LOVE subway tile-I want it in my kitchen so badly!

  2. Annie, the kids bathroom looks absolutely fantastic! You and your hubby have done a really great job! I love subway tiles!

    We will continue to have baby Ollie and you and your family in our prayers Annie. We are praying for good news on the 26th..

    Please tell your Mom I said hi and that I really enjoy hearing from her on my blog.. Thanks Annie!


  3. GORGEOUS...love me some subway tile. Hope all is well in your neck of the woods...still praying for ya and thinkin about ya each day!

  4. LOOKS...... GREAT! I love subway tile and how come your hubby is so darn cute? {{Ollie}}

  5. I did subway tile in the kitchen myself and I would LOVE to replace the acrylic tub surround with tile, but that will have to wait, cause we would have to have someone come and put in the cement board...

  6. That looks awesome !!!!! Great Job hubby !!!! I love the picture with his helper supervising !

    thanks for sharing,


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie