Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Baby Ollie's Room

Today is the big day.  We meet with the doctor at 10AM CST.  So pray pray pray for a good heart evaluation at our level II sonogram.

Since Jade & I will be off to see the doctor I wanted to show you the happy we have in our home for Ollie.  We still don't know if Ollie is a girl or a boy, but Ollie is the name for either sex - another name of a great grandpa.  We named all our children after their great grandpas & it's special to us.  Ollie is Jade's grandpa.  We never knew him, but his Dad said he was so much like Jade - and well Jade's spectacular so Ollie must have been too.

Anyway - here is Ollie's room.  I started on it very early fully expecting it to take me a long time.  Before I could start, we had to move Aubrie & Everett into a shared room & I had to get all the baby boy & girl clothes out of tubs in the basement - rewash them & hang them up.  However, it didn't take me nearly as long as I expected & the room is pretty much ready.  Of course when Ollie arrives as a boy or a girl - it will need some tweaking to make it perfectly special.

This is the view when you walk in the door.  This used to be Everett's room.  We kept it red for a boy or a girl.

The crib we received as a gift at my baby shower with Aubrie.  It was from JC Penney.  She never slept in it - she was stubborn, but Everett loved this crib, this music box, and this mobile.  I can't believe how old he is now & that he used to sleep 7 to 7 here!  PS - I know the crib is extremely low right now, but my beautiful neice, Caroline, naps here until Ollie arrives.

I found this print on an adorable Etsy site.  I kid you not, the picture she showed for sale with the baby name already said Ollie and had this gnome on it - it was fate.

I found the fabric for the bedding at Fabric.com & it is perfect!  It's quirky & fun and most of all happy.  My husband was nervous when I said gnomes - he thought gnomes were scary - until he saw these!  They are so me.

I adore the bumper with the gnome village & mushroom houses with the clothesline at the top - perfection it is.  Thank you again Esther for sewing this for Ollie & for all the prayers you said while you made it for our special baby!

These cards were at the same Etsy site as the gnome print.  I love them & they are just right with the bedding.  Simple, but cute.

This is the reading corner.

I bought this adorable fox from a friend.  She crafts the most fabulous pillows, purses, jewelry & also a soon to be children's line.  Since my maiden name is Fox - I HAD to have it for Ollie.  The quilt was handmade by my Aunt for Aubrie - how I love handmade baby blankets!

Books are a staple in my house.  My kids aren't into toys too much.  They love to read & craft.  So we have joined many book clubs & my house overflows with children's books.  I look forward to reading with baby Ollie.  Here I have another giant fox - I can't say no to a good stuffed fox!

These prints were given to me by my Mom when I had Aubrie.  They have been in all the baby rooms & are the perfect bedtime prayer.  They are hand stitched & I love them.

The changing table is really a vanity.  I have used it with all my babies and it works great to store diapers & wipes & ointments.   Everything is at a hands reach.  I painted it a bright blue for Ollie.  The gray armoire was Everett's when he was in this room - it holds so many clothes!

 I'm not normally a blue person, but I love this blue.  It is happy to me.  It will probably bounce to Aubrie's room when she is older to be used as an actual vanity.

I painted this armoire gray for Everett & I still love it.  Now if Ollie is a girl I can't promise it will stay gray, but it probably will.  The gray just makes all the imperfections of this old piece stand out & I love furniture that has been beaten up over time!

This rolling basket was found at my Dad's concrete company & Mom gave it to me.  I love it!  It holds extra stuffed animals for now.  When Ollie arrives I'll find a better purpose for it, but I'm just not sure what that purpose is yet!  For now Aubrie has loaned Ollie some of her stuffed animals, but Ted E. Bear in the center is mine - I got him when I was 5 from my Uncle.

For those of you thinking - how in the world do you not know the sex of Ollie...here is your answer.  Jade would tell you it's because I'm the most organized person in the world - which is just partially true.  These are the clothes I have gathered from Aubrie & Everett & then unisex clothes at the top right.  This is just the sleepers, blankets, towels, and burp clothes.  The armoire is full of socks, hats, pant sets, and onesies.  Oh see my fabulous diaper bag!  I do large purses instead of typical diaper bags - it's how I roll!

As you can see we are ready and waiting for baby Ollie (we have a long wait until February!)  We have a room full of joy & things we love setup and waiting.  It's filled with memories of our two younger children and dreams for our 3rd perfect child.  So keep the prayers coming.  Jade & I are doing well and very excited about our baby - DS or not - heart defect or not.  God is great all of the time!

I leave you with this bible verse.  I recently found it & it is one of my favorite verses now.
"You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up, you are still with me!"

Psalm 139:13-18


  1. Oh... those Level IIs are scary but God will carry you through!!! I LOVE Ollie's room, I am inspired to work on my baby's room (due in March, we too had our level II last week)

    Many prayers for you!

  2. I adore the name Ollie! And that room rules the school. (love that metal rolling basket! Score. Janie rocks.)

  3. Annie, Ollie's room is sooo pretty! I love the red color! I also love the changing table (vanity dresser)! I wish I would have been more creative when my kids were little! I'm still no good at seeing one thing being used for another in my minds eye.. You are among the lucky one's to be able to do so!
    I have baby Ollie, you, Jade, and family in my thoughts and prayers, especially today.. with you having your level II sonogram being done today..♥

  4. The room looks beautiful! I never would've imagined a room full of gnomes could be so cute! Sending good thoughts your way today!

  5. Love the room, so warm, whimsical and bright! Continuing to pray, mama. Update when you can!


  6. What a beautiful room to bring your beautiful baby home to! I love the gnomes -- how adorable. Praying for you and your sweet baby.

  7. Never have I ever been so in love with a baby room in my entire life. I adore Gnomes and I think it's perfect! Ollie will be right at home! oxox

  8. That room is just perfect!! I love it!

  9. Annie,
    Jennifer gave me the web address to check up on Ollie, She is gorgeous and getting so big!It was a beautiful delivery and your family was absolutely wonderful! I am still telling people about those shirts and your dad's labor stories from the farm. Heard she was able to go home! that is great news!
    kate, RN


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie