Thursday, September 16, 2010

Dreaming of Shoes

Does anyone else seriously love shoes? 

I keep seeing these amazing boots with cuffs this fall.  Tall booties with peep toes, lots of buckles & embellishments - they all scream my name. 

Then I realize I'm pregnant...tall anything won't work.  Soon my butt and thighs will rule my body, and I constantly fall down. 

So I'm on the market for some stunning flat or small wedge black boots at a reasonable price.  All the shoes above aren't reasonable prices considering I have about 15 shoes per season I rotate through!  I hope Kohls pulls through for me because they constantly give away 30% coupons & I can afford that!


  1. I'm no help - I'm a middle aged lady who wears birks and uggs. I've decided comfort comes wayyyyy before fashion these days !

    I'm sure what ever you choose will be adorable on the cute little pregnant you !


  2. I do not understand the boots with a peep toe... And pregnant or not I don't do heels in the winter time, ice+heels= disaster


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