Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Baby To Love

Today we had our big ultrasound.  I'm 17 weeks 3 days.  Our baby is VERY active and the poor tech  had a hard time getting images.  I don't know if that's more like Aubrie or Everett.  Aubrie was very active in the womb, but Everett is very active outside of it.  Either way our baby is just perfect!

I can see these pretty well, and I hope you can too.  The babies belly is to the left.  It has a hand by its face on top in a ball & an arm & hand below it's head.  It's face is to the right and you can see two dark spots which are the eyes, then the white is the nose and under that a mouth.

"Kris" doesn't look like much now, but I think the baby resembles my Everett Mason.

He or she already has the round house kicks under control.  I think baby learned that from Chuck Norris AKA my Dad Stuart.

I imagine this tiny foot will be firmly pressed up against my ribs in another 3 months!

Against all temptation we stuck to our guns and did not find out what the baby was.  I have a good feeling I know what it is, but come February we shall see.  We are still working on names as well.  So far everything looks perfect and we couldn't be happier or more excited for the newest addition to our family.  Now it just needs to grow and stay healthy.

P.S.  we did not name the baby Kris - my sisters decided to nickname it something other than "it" while I'm pregnant.  I agree - I don't like calling the baby it so until we name the baby & meet for the first time it will be Kris.


  1. How far they have come with the sonograms since I had my first about 26 years ago! We called our baby "Sammy". I before said I support your decision not to know as our "Sammy" was to be "Megan" and ended up "Zach". Either way it is exciting, especially since you already have two precious examples of either sex. Kris will be the icing on the cake of your lovely family. Best wishes. BTW loved the back to school post. Makes me miss those days...

  2. how exciting! you are moving right along!! can't wait to hear the names you come up with!!! JEALOUS!!! :O)

  3. i love the crazy foot and wide spread toes. oh kris....

  4. Absolutely precious...those toes! Love the pics Annie. I cannot wait to see whether Kris is a boy or girl.

  5. Congratulations! I love those pictures, they always seem to amaze me. I'm glad everything is going well for you and Kris.

  6. Pink or Blue ???? Can't wait to find out ! Just so you know - my amnio with the twins was WRONG - they got maternal cells and I believed for my entire pregnancy that I was having a boy and a girl - lol ! Quite the shock - I guess God thought a surprise was the way to go !!!!

    hugs from jersey,


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie