Sunday, July 4, 2010

Pregnancy Oddities

Each of my pregnancies have been vastly different.  I'm still in my first trimester comparison.

With Aubrie I was nauseous daily around 10 (never got sick) and exhausted beyond belief.  I literally wanted to collapse into a coma at 6 PM daily.

With Everett I was just exhusated but never sick, definitely not as tired as I was with Aubrie though.

This time around I'm not sick or tired.  But...I rap & sing all day.  That's right - Hip Hop, Rap, Rock you name it - I'm singing it daily and some times it's just pure torture. 

Today it's "Fat bottom girls you make the rocking world go 'round" & "Forever Young" which Forever Young is about torture in itself.

I am convinced that Justin Timberlake is growing in my belly.

I hope it stops soon because I'm driving myself mad with my outrageous rhymes.

Oh - and Happy 4th of July!  My family is living it up big time & I'm in a lawn chair behind them rapping like Snoop.


  1. this post made my life.

    Just thought you should know.

    : ) Happy 4th to you!

  2. You are just too adorable ! Your blog is my daily smile fix !!!!

    Hope you're enjoying the holiday,

  3. You are definitely the peppiest pregnant woman I've ever known! Maybe it's triplets!!!


  4. Ha ha thanks guys! I swear it's the weirdest thing! Maybe Jade's musicality is coming out in me now!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie