Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Our Weekend Part 1

So have I been MIA in blog land?  Absolutely. 

Have I been rapping?  You can betcha I have been down like Snoop.

So what have I been doing? 

A LOT of family & partying & it was great! 

Saturday night we had an epic party, or that's at least what Jade & I tell ourselves!  We had about 50 people over - lots of family and some close friends.  Jade earned the title master smoker with his legendary pork loin skills.  We had way too much food, lots of laughs, and some pretty good country fireworks.  All in all we had a great time! 

Where was my camera - I have no idea!  So I have just a few snapshots of Jade's family that his Mom & sister took.  This is my two kids with their cousins on Jade's side.  Everett would not cooperate!  They are all very sweet kids & growing up so fast!

This is the entire family minus Jade's brother.  His sister is in the green - isn't she cute! 

Sunday night we headed to the Shelbyville fireworks where I again forgot my camera.  Luckily I had my cell phone with me for the shot of my kids before the fireworks.  They were thrilled & had a great time!

And no - Aubrie doesn't fall far from this tree.  A deep love of animals and glitter is straight from her mama's heart!


  1. i just loved aubs outfit at your party. she was so pretty but wouldn't come sit still long enough for me to tell her that.

  2. What a beautiful family ! Looks like fun was had by all !!!!!

  3. I will forget something for my funeral I can guarantee that, I hate it when I forget the camera or batteries to charge the dam thing! Looks like a great time, what cuties!


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