Friday, April 23, 2010

A New Update

Isn't it awesome when God moves?

My Uncle had brain surgery Tuesday night around 9 PM.  When he went in he had stroke like effects on his left side, dizziness, and headaches. 

He had a new and old blood in his brain that was putting pressure on his brain and putting it off center.  The doctor was a miracle worker.  In about 30 minutes two holes were drilled and he was able to get out the clots.  About an hour later we saw my Uncle in the hall.  There was a big group of us - we're a very close knit group.  It was such an emotional and frightening night for us all.

Yesterday, my Uncle started using his left side again.  By noon his scan came back good & he went to a regular room.  By the afternoon he was up and walking.

We joke that we Foxes don't like to be hurt.  Even after brain surgery we are walking it off.

Today...he's coming home!  With tears in my eyes I type this amazing news!  God is great & you guys are amazing pray warriors!  I can't thank you enough!!


  1. Oh Annie, that is such wonderful news!! Praise GOD! Our LORD God is truly an awesome GOD, and does answer all our prayers!!

    Have a wonderful day and weekend too!!


  2. I'm so happy to hear that he made it through! Your family is in my thoughts!

  3. Praise God! He is still in the miracle working business:)

  4. Wow, how wonderful to hear this! A testament to faith and a great doctor.


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie