Friday, April 23, 2010


Lately I have been thinking about doing something.

The problem is, I can't decide what.

When I was 18 - I blatantly defied Jade.  I got a tattoo.

He said if I got a tattoo he'd break up with me.  I got one anyway and  ha - he married me the crazy boy!  So at 18, I got Todd from The Fox & The Hound on my lower back on the right side.  Just his head, which now is kind of dumb - should have been all of him, but oh well I can't see it and it's still cute.

My maiden name is Fox.  Several male cousins have Fox tattoos so it made sense for me.  I am proud of my last name and where I'm from. 

Anyway, now I think I'd kind of like a really feminine tattoo on the top of my foot for my kids.  I can't figure out what though - quite the dilemma.  So if you have any fabulous ideas - please share!


  1. The Fox and the Hound was my FAVORITE movie when I was in 4th grade! That is so funny that you have a tattoo of Todd. :-)

  2. Ha! My husband told me the same thing, I was 19 and went to Montana to visit a girlfriend of mine and got one. Mine is a rose with a heart throught the stem. I have it on my lower abdomen right above my hip bone. My seven year old asked me last week why I have a "turtle" on my tummy. Ya, that's what stretch do to tatoos, lol!!


  3. Stretch MARKS, it is supposed to say, lol!!

  4. You could have their names done and incorporate some vines or flowers into it. I can see it I just can't explain it, HA HA! Hubby and I use to get tattoos all the time, I have 4 but can no longer get them ( I have no spleen so infections are a concern) if not I would have lots more!

  5. Yay! I love tattoos. My foot is one of the next places I'm going to get done.

    Maybe you could do flowers from their birth months?

  6. Annie, I have two tatoo's. One is a red rose with a heart going through the stem also.. I have this one just above my right ankle.. Then I have 3 black butterflies on my left leg, the larger one (which is only about an inch square) is in the middle area above ankle height, and the other two are just a tad bit smaller, one each on both sides of the middle one.. I have received many compliments on them! I got the rose/heart one when I turned 60, a birthday present from my youngest son Daniel!

    Can't wait to hear what you decide on getting! I want to get one of a rose bouquet that incorporates all 4 of my kids names or initial's in it.. The roses will go from the full rose down to the rose bud... the full rose would be for our oldest child down to our youngest child, being the Bud..and the other two kids will be in between the full rose and the rose bud.. I'm not 100% sure where I want to have this yet.. I'm thinking possibly having it done on my left front shoulder arm.. as I want to enjoy seeing it too!


  7. I have a lily on the top of my foot that I drew myself (with my daughter's help) Maybe you could ask them to draw some simple flowers and incorporate that somehow? FYI - it is the most painful place in the world to get a tattoo, besides on the inside of your wrist. Even though the I was warned, I was not prepared for how bad it would hurt. Can't wait to see what you pick.

  8. Annie, I just wanted to stop back and let you know that I shared on my blog today pictures of my two tattoo's, if you'd like to visit and check them out!

    Have a good one!



Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie