Friday, March 5, 2010

Spring Fever

Why do I love spring?  Let me count the ways.

1.  Tulips - I love when the first ones appear - they look and smell fantastic & always make me happy!  I have a dream to line the outskirts of our woods with tulips & daffodils so we have them every spring - some day!

2.  My lawn turns into lush green grass.  When Jade mows it, it seriously looks like a golf course...then summer comes & with the heat & the clay soil it all burns up.

3.  Landscaping - as always we have big projects in our plans - and they always start in the spring.  They usually don't all come to life because we plan too much, but we have hopes.  We want a pergola and a fire pit on the walkout patio, an outdoor eating patio with an herb garden off the back porch with its own outdoor fireplace/stove & finish that off with a darling shed to keep the mower & all my pots & lawn furniture in the winter.

4.  Ballet flats - I adore these shoes.  However, I loathe cold feet & I have put them away over the winter.  I long to spruce up my outfits with darling flats & sit Indian style in my work chair again.  It's a casual office people - jeans & Indian style sitting is allowed.

5.  My faux snake skin fabric trench coat - I forgot I had it until now & well it's stinking fabulous!  This picture doesn't do it justice & I can't wait to bring it out for spring again!

6.  Our Park - Jade & I love to take the kids & watch them on the big curly slide.  It's hilarious & so much fun every time!  Aubrie's static hair is always the best after she gets off the big slide!

We also love feeding the ducks at the lagoon too!

7.  Fishing.  We only went two times last year and the kids loved it - except when Everett fell in the 2" water and cried hysterically!  We have a pond at our house filled with fish & they are already looking forward to fishing this year.  I can't wait - they get so very excited!  Can you tell Aubrie had recently cut her hair here?  ha ha!

8.  Trees - oh yes trees of all kinds.  The spring trees get glorious blooms and smell amazing!  And the trees start growing - so our small trees grow into bigger ones each year - I LOVE it!  Top it off that we get to plant more trees in our yard.  Jade & I have so much fun with it, but so does Aubrie - she loves trees.  She'll just die when we get our American Beech and Magnolia this year.  It will also be the test - will our dogwood die or live?  Everett hit it with his battery powered Gator - I'm guessing that it dies!  Then - do we want fruit trees too??  That's a big debate in our house because they are so messy and high maintenance!  Maybe we'll let Maggie plant those in her yard!

9.  Easter - I gained ever lasting life through Jesus on this holiday.  To celebrate - I eat an entirely way too large hollow easter bunny.  I love it every year!

10.  My anniversary - we celebrate it on March 20th, the first day of spring.  Every year it's a time to celebrate another year of love & the beautiful family we have created together.


  1. what a lovely lovely post! almost too lovely to comment on everything so i'll have to pick and choose:O)
    So excited about the good wether for the park! took the kids to the one close to us last night and it was great.
    I can't wait to see pics of all your beautiful trees and i vote yes for the tulips and yes for the Fruit trees. and when you get your landscaping done with your little shed, make it with a loft because i want to come live there;O) seriously Annie, it sounds heavenly!

  2. This made me cry -who knows why? Can't wait to take our babies to the park, Scovill Zoo, and play outside...too fun!

  3. Girl, you are uber-cute with that short hair! Love it! Such a cute little guys look so good together. We are going to be feeling spring this weekend - woohoo! 50 degrees..I just may have to lay out and get some sun! ;o) ~mary~

  4. i cried too mom. we're such hormonal freaks. i'm planting evergreens so i can't see your house! haha!

  5. can't believe how much aubrie's face has changed since she was on that slide. odd, she's such a big girl now

  6. I am right there with you, plus my kids are basically crawling on the walls waiting for it to warm up to get outside and play! Love the park, Tulips I planted 2 years ago so they'd pop up around easter every year (i'll have to share a picture when they come up in hopefully a month) and the smell, and love flats but i may skip right over to flip flops, my favorites!

  7. I can't wait either!!! Yeah for Spring! What a fun way to start the season with an anniversary!

  8. green grass, tulips (absolutely!), cute flats.......yup...i can't wait for spring either!! :)


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie