Saturday, March 6, 2010

Insanity IS Hereditary

My husband cracks me up. He really can be a funny man. I like to think I'm the funny one (I wonder where I get this from Mom?!?), but he really rivals me some days! Much to my surprise - I found that he had taped this to his medicine cabinet mirror one morning.

How true! It made my morning! It's still taped on his medicine cabinet & cracks me up daily! our insanity...our kids...

Why yes Aubrie, that Chair is the perfect throne for your butt!

Digging for gold!  This baby will haunt her when she's 16 oh yes it will!

She has a fascination with all things nose!

He has a fascination with any farm animal...

or any tractor...

and especially baths with his clothes on!

He's such a wild boy, he must be harnessed in public places.

And we have to really watch her, or she'll strip off her underwear and wear them on her head.


  1. Those pics are adorable and hilarious, I love them

  2. Haha-so cute! That is the perfect quote for such funny pictures!


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