Monday, February 15, 2010

Sew Many Projects - Too Little Time

Jade & I recently upgraded from our 2001 edition computer to a new laptop - yes we're greatly behind the times!  After the switch & a new tasteful desk setup in our bedroom I realized I have a big computer armoire with nothing in it! 

God Bless Martha Stewart - she had a armoire/sewing closet on her website!  It was brilliant.  So I set my own up.  Now, please remember I haven't sewn much at all in the past several years of my life & I'm just back into it when time allows.  So I don't have much yet, but I'm starting my collection.

It is the perfect size.  It has enough room for my machine, all my fabrics & scrap booking supplies.  Some added nails allow me to hang up some things out of the way.

A bottom shelf holds all my crafting supplies that I'm starting to accumulate.

Everyone needs a jar of old jewelry to remake into something else.

Buttons - umm yes I want more please!

Oh and etsy - again I completely heart you!  I scored 2 packs of scrap fabrics.  These have already made 2 lampshades.  My sisters & I also intend to cut these down to tie our tags onto our pieces for sale.  I love the colors & prints they sent me!

Vintage yo-yos - I can find a purpose!

Lastly, my new collection of fabrics.  I again got these off of etsy.  It was only $5 for 2 1/2 yards of scrap pieces that were each 1/2 a yard.  I bought several sets & was thrilled.  They are large enough to make pillows, lamp shades, you name it - it can be done!  I just love having beautiful fabric laying around - call me crazy, but it's makes me happy!


  1. Lovin' the fabrics! I need a pop of color these days. So dang gray and dreary outside! Happy Sewing! I want to see a project post! Oh, and Country Living had a garland for a kids room they made from the YoYos. It was so fun draped like a banner. ;o) ~mary~

  2. The Yo Yo garland is a brilliant idea! Thanks Mary!

  3. Great stuff! LOVING the fabrics!!!
    I'm terrible at picking fabrics. I need a 'kit' where they all come together! ;)
    Can't wait to see your projects.

  4. Annie, thats awesome, so jealous of all the wonderful fabrics. I just set up some space myself this weekend and posted a pic of my new desk on my blog too!

  5. Check out etsy - seriously at their prices - you can't afford not too :) I loved my kits - $5 for 2 1/2 yards - awesome!!

  6. How COOL, you've got a big old space just crying to be filled up with crafting supplies, woo hoo!!!!

    Have fun!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie