Sunday, February 14, 2010

My Valentine

My valentine is funny & sweet.  He knows how to make me laugh, and even better - he laughs because of me.  He can build anything I need, and if something breaks - he can also fix it.  He knows when I need a hug if things aren't going my way.  He has the perfect wrestling moves to take down both our kids & have the entire family laughing in an instant.  His ridiculousness is matched only by mine.

He is still in love with me, and he appreciates a good date night as much as I do.  He loves the same things I do like trees, popcorn, premium cable TV, and bedtime for the kiddos!  He works hard every single day to make our lives into something more.  He's nice looking on the eyes - I prefer to call him man pretty. 

He has transformed so much from the 16 year old boy I fell in love with to the 30 year old man he is today.  Despite everything (things change a lot in 13 years) we are more in love than we have ever been.  We are now a family & I now proudly carry his last name.  He is my valentine.  I celebrate today - not because of the hokey hearts and candies in every store, but because I have a love like my parents and I am the luckiest because of him.


  1. dang you! i'm having a emotional day due to love stories.

  2. Your comments on your hubby sound so familiar to mine! So happy to hear :)


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie