Thursday, August 29, 2013

Back To School

Well they are back at it! 

Aubrie went to 2nd grade.  Here is what I've basically gotten out of her since she started..."Mom everyone knows it's impossible to make new friends in 2nd grade."  Really?  I did not know this.  But apparently it is so.  She's already requesting a cell phone and Ipad Touch - apparently some other 7 year olds have them already.  Seriously people - my mind is blown.  Not gonna happen Aubrie, not gonna happen!  She's again a top notch student that is brown nosing her teacher daily - it's how she rolls and she's quite good at it!

Everett is repeating Kindergarten.  Why?  Because he just turned 6 August 16th.  There are many reasons, but last year he was one of the smallest, he struggled with maturity, attention span, and impulses.  I feel like he really, really grew up and changed so much since March to now.  So this year he's going in as the big dog.  If I say he's one of the biggest he gets mad - he IS NOT the biggest, he's just bigger than some of the kids.  His teacher sent a note and said she already cried this year over his progress & that he is her go to guy!  Yep I'd say repeating kindergarten is most likely the best move ever for our little dude.  When I ask him about his day - he remembers nothing - literally nothing other than it was good & he liked lunch and recess.  

Friday, August 16, 2013

Six Years Old

It's hard to believe how fast your babies grow up, but they do!

He started off chubby at a whopping 8 lbs 11 oz with dark black hair that laid so nice!

Within a year we knew his personality.  He was sweet, slept all night, never cried, and loved his big sister!

By 2 his true colors were coming out, he was a walking tornado always into something and taking things to a new level beyond what his bigger sister had thought up!  He was a walking concussion that always shook it off - I to this day don't know how!

At 3 he was just full of personality and most definitely my favorite little boy ever!

At 4 we saw him as an older brother that would do anything for his new baby sister - they are also the best of friends.  He is the most love able little boy I know - kisses and hugs have always been his thing!

At 5 he constantly made us laugh with his crazy antics - he loves the DS & his Wii and loves to make friends everywhere he goes.  It's true take him to the park and I guarantee you some 15 year old girl knows who he is and acts like they are BFFs - I'm not quite sure how he does it - but he does!  He also hugged everyone and kissed them goodbye - he even tried to get the mail man!  Ha!

Going into 6 is exciting!  I'm a little sad that he's so big, but yesterday he wasn't too big to still hold my hand!  It's an exciting year for him - we are doing Kindergarten again since his birthday is so late & he's really matured since this spring!  He's sweet, funny, kind - he'd do anything for anyone, he always shares, and he always smiles!  I'm very blessed to be his Mom and proud to call him mine!  He's definitely a light in our lives!

Happy Birthday Everett Mason - don't wear out your Wii today with all your new games!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

When you turn 16...

Call me what you will, but the truth is I love to harass my kids!  I got it honest from my Dad!  So the other night we had a conversation about cars.  I informed Aubrie at 16 she would get an old Buick Lesabre and Everett would get a minivan because when I was 16 in 1998 I scored a 1976 Yellow Ford Gran Torino - it's only fair they receive similar gifts right?!!  Everett bawled - why?  Because he wants a big van!  Can you say pedi van much?!  

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Real Stay At Home Mom

Let's be real for a second here - and some Moms out there may gasp in shock when I say this, but as a stay at home Mom - I can't wait to see book bags on these two again and a big bus pulling up my drive daily!


Don't get me wrong - we have had an awesome summer together!


But I'm ready for routine & ready for these two to go get their learn on!


Ollie will still be with me 24/7 except when she goes to her preschool for early intervention - then you can find me at a Panera or Starbucks blissfully enjoying a coffee and some Internet time in peace & quiet and occasionally shopping the aisles of TJ Maxx and Target looking at whatever I want for however long I want!!  Whooooo baby! 14 days - but who is counting?!? 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Mini Fitness Challenges

I had shared these on my Facebook like page but not here - and go add me as a Facebook friend if you haven't yet!  So I thought I'd share them with you all too!  These are some mini challenges to challenge your strength - do them 2-3 times :)  Feel free to share!  Enjoy!

Friday, August 2, 2013

My Girls

I'm not sure how I did it, but when Jade and I made babies I some how created two little mini mes and I love it!  Enjoy!

Ollie at 2 1/2 - doesn't her scar look amazing - I think it does!  It's so faint you hardly see it now!

Aubrie at 7 1/2 - new hot pink glasses ready for 2nd grade - yes 2nd stinking grade - time goes so fast!!