Thursday, May 23, 2013

Annie's Summer Skinnies

Hey blog friends!  This Tuesday I was a guest blogger on over at Skinny Meg - go check her out - her story is inspirational, her style is super cute, and her house is to die for.  She's probably my long lost twin - I'm fairly certain of it!

Since that blog posted, I have been contacted by roughly 300 women wanting help getting fit...and as you know this is my passion!  Helping others transform their lives (because let's face it when you get fit  your exterior may be a rockin' but it changes your insides too) is the most rewarding "job" I have found!  Self confidence is a precious commodity & when you earn that sucker - ahhh it's pretty priceless!

So onto my point - I have a ton of questions & emails I'm working through so if you are reading this & have a basic question check out my FAQ page because an answer may be there for you :)  Otherwise an email is coming from me soon!

And for a BIG announcement.  I prayed over this, then brainstormed with my hubby and my coach Lauren (love that girl) about how I could possibly help these women!  I don't want to miss a single person that wants my help!  Here is the solution...

I have decided to open up a new challenge on facebook called Annie's Summer Skinnies.  If you are looking for support & want to join please do - click here ----->

I will approve you and all the details of the group are posted for you to read & decide if you want to join us too!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


I don't know why this is on my mind today but it is...

So many of us are quick to judge, quick to place blame, quick to compare.  We don't take time to get to know people.  We don't take time to understand where they are from, where they are going, and why they are the way they are.

Recently we had a fitness event & my team stood in front of the large group and shared their stories, they poured out their hearts and their testimonies on how they got fit.  It was one of the most emotional, moving, and inspiring things I have witnessed. 

After the event we left & my husband and I talked about what we just experienced.  We were blown away!  It was then we realized that everyone has a story.  Everyone has eaten their fair share of shit sandwiches in this world & still comes out a fighter.  It is only when we sit down, shut up, and listen to other people that we can truly GROW in ourselves.

I just feel incredibly fortunate to do the work that I do.  Coaching others has opened up my eyes to a world of people I would otherwise never know.  I consider myself incredibly blessed every single day to make the impact that I do on the lives of others and to share a piece of their stories.

So next time you find yourself judging, turn it inward and listen to that person with love & I can guarantee you, you will be blessed in return.

If you do not know my story, here it is...