Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I had this break through moment yesterday.  I realized I hadn't even thought about Down Syndrome in days. I wasn't even sure the last time I mentioned the words.

And I know most people hear that and think it's insane or that I fixate on Down Syndrome.  I don't.  If I allowed myself, I could let it rule me, let it fill my mind with what ifs, nevers, maybes, a parade of fears.  But I have always said Ollie will prove her capabilities to us, we will not set them upon her.

It's hard to not have it in your mind daily.  She is constantly compared and tested against her peers.  I have to constantly make the best decisions for her, work with her therapy goals at home with homework assignments, mark off her checklist of milestones, write down every single word just so it's counted for her.  I have to decide is she ready to move to a 2 year old class at church in a month or stay with the 1 year olds?  What's right?  I don't know.  What to do with therapies, what goals to write down for her to push her therapies for her to be preschool ready when she's three.  There is SO much to consider for her that just came along with my other two typically developing kids.  So even though I don't fixate DS, I live with it.

However, as she's turning 2 it's not as present.  I just see her, beautiful, messy, spectacular, god-gifted, smart, funny, silly, wild, ornery her.  And that is what I fixate on.


  1. Absolutely adorable picture of your little darling.

  2. It's absolutely amazing to realize that Ollie Faith will be two very soon. I'm not surprised that DS sometimes slips from your thoughts as you think of Miss Ollie because it's just part of who she is and you have adjusted accordingly. Just as you did with Aubrie wearing glasses. What a wonderful future you have provided for all your children and yourselves, Annie. You and Jade are a true team and I've enjoyed following your journey via FB and your blog. Ann

  3. She's so beautiful! Her brown eyes are just gorgeous. :)


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie