Monday, January 21, 2013

Conversations with Everett

Conversations with Everett are never dull, and always leave me amazed at how his little mind works.

Recently we drove past the house where my Grandpa Everett lived when he was alive.

I said, "Hey Everett that is where your Great Grandpa Everett lived."
His response was, "Is he dead?"
"Yes he's dead."
Gasp!  "You mean Jesus lived there?"
"No Everett Jesus doesn't live there Grandpa Everett did."
"You mean Grandpa Everett IS JESUS????"
Oh boy - I've got some bible teaching to do!  ha!


  1. he is joy, delightfulness and cute all in one. plus love his name. that's my dad's name too.

  2. Great Grandpa Everett would have LOVED that boy! He's adorable. Totally. :)

  3. This made me smile! How wonderful that Everett shares his name with his great-gramps! Picture - A-dorable. Ann

  4. Oh, this was great, totally made me smile :) lol

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