Monday, December 31, 2012

A real shot at $100,000

As you all know I'm into fitness.  The last few years have been a whirlwind for me. 
We delivered Ollie and with all her medical issues - to say I stress ate is an understatement.  I started in July 2011 at a size 14 and the rest is history.  I worked so hard on my fitness & nutrition & am proud to say I earned myself a pair of size 2/4 pants!
I have realized that when life gets hard, which it undoubtedly will, you have two can wallow in your own self pity, or you can pick yourself up and use those struggles as a driving force to create your own future.
Many people don't realize how hard things were for us.  Yes emotionally her health was hard.  But on top of that our income was cut in half as I took an extended maternity leave & then quit my job to stay home with her.  It was the right move for her & for us.  It was my dream come true to stay home with my kids, but being that broke was never in my dreams.  The lack of money was incredibly stressful & we were forced to apply for Social Security disability and accept a check monthly to pay our mortgage.  It's one of those situations you are never really ready for, and was an additional kick in the teeth.  We vowed to dig ourselves out and to get off that check.  And we did it with hard work.
Beachbody has been a saving grace to my family.  I say it changed my life and people think it's ridiculous, but it truly has.  I have my life back.  I lost 35 pounds and feel amazing.  I can run and play with my kids without sitting on the bench waiting for them to be done so we can go home like I used to.  I feel confident in my clothes & my own skin - that alone is worth it.  And I work part-time from home creating a full-time income doing something I am so passionate about.  I am helping to change other peoples health - there is no price tag on that type of thank you! 
On a whim I entered my before & afters in the Beachbody challenge.  Hoping to be selected for a daily winner, in fact I was chosen as the September monthly winner for 30-39 year old women!  I won $1,000 just for getting fit & sharing my story!  I am still blown away by it!
I'm on the top right!!!
$1,000 check - paid off our credit card debt completely!  YAY!!!
Now for the best part!  Since I am a monthly winner, I automatically have a shot to win $100,000.  I can't even imagine what that amount of money would do for our family, and for Ollie. 
In April I have to take new after photos, professional photos, and I submit them and my story one final time to be considered to be a finalist on the Vegas stage in June.  Please say a prayer for me and my family.  If it's Gods will it will happen, but I'm going to do my part too.  I'm getting super strict on my nutrition and fitness so that I am the most fit I have ever been.  I am treating my fitness like my full-time job so I can take some killer photos and give it my best shot.  I do not want to regret not giving this my all, so that's what I'm going to do - give it my all & know that God is backing me.
And last but not least, we are going into a brand new year.  If life has been kicking you in the teeth, evaluate where you are and where you want to be and vow to change it.  Make 2013 your year in whatever it is you want to accomplish!

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Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie