Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What We're Up To...

Everett is growing up fast.  He started T-ball this year and bats left - don't know how in the crap that one happened, but it did.  Actually, it came from Pa Stuart - so if he takes anymore after his Pa we have reason to be concerned!  When he's not batting he's busy digging in the sand.

Tonight he graduates preschool.  I don't know how he got to be so old but he did.  He's headed to Kindergarten this fall.  Please start praying in advance for maturity out of him & for his teacher.  Haha - I wish I was kidding but I'm not!

Today is the last day of school so Aubrie Grace just wrapped up Kindergarten & clearly thinks she is too big for her own britches.

I can't believe I'll have a 1st grader & a Kindergartner - seems easy now, but when it's the Junior & Senior years of high school I'm sure I'll be thinking what were we thinking on the timing!

Ollie Faith is living life.  She's been healthy lately & growing big.  She waves & says bye bye now & can push up from her belly into sitting.  These are huge skills.  We have worked on this stuff for months & I can't put into words how rewarding it is to see them come to life out of her. 

Her hair is also so long it fits in piggy tails now!  Tell me this isn't the bomb diggity in cute because you know it is!

On Thursday she's scheduled to finally get her ear tube surgery done in St. Louis.  She was schedule since February but was sick every month so it was canceled.  Please say a prayer that we can keep her healthy until Thursday morning & that everything goes smoothly.  It's a very minor surgery compared to her last, but it's still surgery and I'm a tad bit nervous about it.

Thanks friends!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Crow It Up

Who here likes a challenge?

Do you like to be dared?

I know you do.

So here it is.

Have you seen people planking before?  It was all over - random pictures of people planking.  Google it if you don't believe me.  Google holds all the answers & will show you what I mean.

Well game changer folks - the new challenge - the crow.

Our entire Beachbody family - Team IMPACT - is crowing & I mean really crowing it up!  They are crowing on car hoods, stone ledges, balconies, even balancing on bowling pins, free weights, and medicine balls - we are just the daring folks.

So do it.  Post it on facebook, instagram, tweet it, blog it...

after all I triple dog dare ya!

PS - I was crowing in Jade's surveying office - notice how I threw down my purse and struck a pose.  Your turn now :)

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Science Lessons...

Yesterday I received a mid-day email from Aubrie's teacher & I thought oh boy.

And I was right to think oh boy.

Apparently they had a science lesson where they discussed opposites such as push/pull.  They had to do a drawing rendering how this works. 

See exhibit A:

Yes that would be my sister Abbie PUSHING out baby Clifford.  And see the yellow bag - that's her pee bag - yep Aubrie expects Abbie to need a cathedar.  At least it was a sunny day in her hospital room.

Exhibit B:
I didn't scan it but it's PULLING out Ruby's (no not grandman Ruby but the cat Ruby) kittens.

I'm pretty sure her teacher had not expected the obstetrics & gynecology lesson to take place.

To further this conversation I asked Aubrie if she knew how babies got out because I have carefully & decisively avoided this topic with distraction in the past.  Her answer "Well duh Mommy through your belly.  Don't you know?  You've had 3 babies."

I had to fess up that it was not the true answer - so beware softball participants she knows now & will most likely do a public announcement at the next game even though we discussed it being a private discussion.  We shall see.

Oh and you're welcome - this was hilarious I know.