Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Living Room Redo...

You are all going to think I have lost my mind.  Like seriously, hopefully people get this new look!

 I used to have two black leather sofas.  They weren't the most comfortable because the backs were tall and shoved your neck out.  To top it off at less than 5 years old the backs were starting to peel off - and yes that ticks me off because even with a warranty the company wouldn't fix it for us.

So I was forced to get creative.

A few years ago at a store I purchased two funky old sofas for like $75 total.  Cheap cheap.

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Last week me, Mom, & Maggie decided to move the black sofas out and bring up the funky old ones.  Let me tell you - these babies are heavier than a mother!!


In 2 hours or less we carried 2 sofas down stairs and these bad boys up.  I have a U shaped staircase.  It was a circus.

  There was a lot of cussing, pinched toes & fingers, and I'm pretty sure we all peed our pants laughing at least twice.

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We all like the look.  It's funky.  We dig it.  We're weird like that.  They are super comfortable & very long.  My room feels bigger & not as dark.


Jade came home and gave me the "What the hell were you thinking look??"

Then he laid down and was like "Oh these are pretty nice."

Which goes back to my statement I keep reminding him of - I am always right - ha!

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It also gave me a new spot to setup an art wall.  The family portrait is by Abbie, Trudie the pug is by me, the cat is Aubrie's and the blue blob is by Picasso-ish Everett.  I also have a spot to keep all Ollie's books separate from the bigs books & the stools are handy for the kids in the kitchen since it's an open floor plan & the kids love to taste & cook.

So what do you think?  And if you hate it - keep it to yourself - ha! 

~Annie Reid


  1. We are too cool for school. Right on and Far out.

  2. I like it! You inspire me to be funkier!

  3. I love it and I love how much fun you guys had doing it! I say the funkier the betta!!


  4. I love it! That couch is fantastic!!!

  5. Not that I am nearly cool enough but I personally love it! The older couches are so stinkin cute and so you(from what I know of reading this blog). I know what you mean with couches backs being uncomfy. I am 4'11" and they are always pushing my neck forward. You have reminded me that I can find older couches to help with that problem. Right now we have a perfect one but with 2 kids we will lose it someday!! I love your front room so much!!

  6. i personally love it! I really want a patterned, funky couch but I dont want to spend money on it...because i'm afraid I'll get sick of it. I can do 97 dollars though. Awesomesauce!

  7. I really like it!! What fun and creative girls you all are. (Love the lamps also)

  8. As I stated before I FREAKIN' love them! Of course you know my feelings on vintage couches. They fit your sytle so well!

  9. Love it! I'm also a vintage gal and I LOVE color.


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie