Friday, February 10, 2012

A year of awesome...

A year ago today we were anxious, scared, excited, worried...basically full of every single emotion you have when you go to deliver a baby, but dialed up about 100 times.  We didn't know for sure if Ollie Faith had Down Syndrome & we didn't know for sure how bad her heart truly was & what kind of hospital stay was ahead of us.  And trust me we tried to pray all of the above away - we asked for a big miracle.  We received an even bigger one.

She was born February 10th at 8:23 PM weighing in at 7 pounds 10.8 ounces and 20 inches long.  She was much larger than her anticipated size of 5 1/2 pounds.  Further proof that multiple ultrasounds are never 100% accurate.

We took her home on Valentine's day.  She had a longer hospital stay because of jaundice, but we finally brought her home waiting for heart failure to kick in.  She did have the bonus chromosome & her heart defect was certainly present - the ultrasounds did have those parts right.

She was perfect & even more perfect was our family together again & Aubrie and Everett loving on their baby sister.

In March she was in full blown heart failure, but oh her personality certainly out shined any medical issues she had.

In April we celebrated Easter & the love that Jesus has for us.  Church was always our safe haven when the nerves took over facing open heart surgery.  Oh how we love our church and thank God daily for putting it in our lives.

In May we snuggled a lot & prepared for open heart surgery.  I cried a lot too.

We passed out 3,000 prayer cards - they were all over the nation, in various countries too, & spread like wildfire through our community.  Everyone loved on Ollie Faith & us.  The prayers were overwhelming & gave us strength during some very tough days filled with worry.

I took lots of pictures of that sweet scarless chest before.

June 9th she had open heart surgery.  Words can't describe the feelings we had that day or leading up to it.  It was hard, but it was worth it.  She was worth it.

Holding her for the first time on day 3 was just as good as the day she was born, probably even better.

After we went home on day 5, life has been wonderful.  

We celebrate every milestone in a big way.

We slow down and savor the kisses, hugs, and smiles.

We soak up our little girl also known as Tiny.  She is a ray of sunshine in our home.

We used to fear the unknown.  We used to fear Down Syndrome.

Now we know Ollie is a baby, and she just happens to rock an extra chromosome.  We also have gained a new community of friends with families and kiddos just like ours - it's fantastic!

She decided her personality was just too big for 46 chromosomes, so God went all out and gave her a little extra.

and that extra has made all the difference in our lives!

So today we celebrate what has most definitely been one of the craziest roller coasters of our lives.  We had our hands up on the way down screaming all the way, and when we pulled into the station, we had big smiles on our face & proclaimed that was one awesome ride.

We have now walked the walk..  And we can most definitely say our life has been blessed in the biggest ways.  Thank you God for this little girl!  She is going to change everyone she meets for the better & she started with our family of 5 first.

And thank you friends - thank you for the cards, love, support, and most of all prayers.  We couldn't have went through this journey without you & you truly mean the world to our family!!  Thank you time and time again!!

Stay tuned - birthday party post will be up in a few days - tonight we are living high on life like hogs on cabbage!  There is birthday cake being served tonight!!


  1. Wow, a whole year already?!? Seems like yesterday!!! Happy, happy, happy birthday, beautiful, sweet Ollie!! You will move mountains and change many minds in all the years to come. <3 <3 <3

  2. Happiest of birthdays to beautiful Ollie! She is amazing and I love knowing her:)

  3. Happy Birthday Ollie. Have a wonderful day with your family.

  4. Happy Birthday sweet girl. I remember hearing your mommy was at the hospital and praying for you all, I cannot believe it has been a year already!

  5. My hands are in the air today...for the fun ride we are on and in praise of the most wonderful one who sent her to us! xoxo love you both so! Let's get out party on!!! I am on my way now!

  6. Oh what a wonderfully blessed year you guys have had!! Your post brought tears to my eyes! As we are on that same beautiful journey.

  7. This was such a great reflection on the first year of Miss Ollie's life. I bet I will hear that party all the way down here in FL! Happy 1ST Birthday Ollie! Ann

  8. Happy Birthday, beautiful Ollie! Congratulations to the rest of your family on an incredible year. Our daughters are only a few weeks apart in age, both rocking the extra chromosome and both with matching scars. So happy that this first year of both their lives have brought so much joy!

  9. Happy 1st Birthday Ollie!! You are loved far and wide baby girl!!

  10. yay! happy birthday to that sweet little girl! celebrate in a big way.

  11. Happy Birthday sweet Ollie Faith, I wish you tons of happiness today and will continue to pray for your continued heart wellness! We love knowing and hearing all about you little miss Ollie, and I love reading your grandma's blog when she talks about her grandbabies, she is one lucky lady! Squeezes and giggles to you Miss Ollie, today you are "1". xoxoxoxoxoxo

  12. Happy Birthday to your sweet tiny!! Give those wonderful cheeks a big smooch from all of us!!
    What a blessing!!

  13. Happy Birthday Ms. Ollie!! My daughter, who also rocks the extra chromosome, was born right before Ollie...loved reading your family's story...It is so similar to ours...Blessed!!

  14. I'm so glad I found your family blog, and I loved this post! You have a beautiful and inspiring family. I have a 17 month old gorgeous baby boy, and we are also blessed beyond comprehension. Thanks for reminding me of the miracles and joy that these past 17 months have been. Check us out:

  15. Cannot even believe she is 1 already. Your story has touched me so much. I love how God knows exactly what we need. Ollie is beautiful and she will touch so many lives.....she already has!


  16. ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
    ╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★ ★ ★
    ║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
    ║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ BIRTHDAY ☆ Little Ollie…♥ ♥
    ╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ♥ ♥ ♥ ☆★✾◕‿◕✾☆★☆★☆
    ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆ ★ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆

  17. WHAT????? She's a YEAR??!!!! Wow, happy birthday sweet girl! And congrats mom and dad!!

  18. Happy Birthday Miss Ollie ! Thanks for being a ray of Sunshine for this old lady in jersey !!!!

    Hugs and prayers always,

  19. Happy happy birthday Ollie!!!

  20. HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLLIE! Annie, you have a beautiul family (love your Mom)& you are a great Mama..enjoy Ollie's cake!

  21. Sending Miss Ollie some birthday love from Charlotte, NC.

  22. I told her happy birthday on your mom's blog, but let me just say it again. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OLLIE FAITH!

  23. Happy Birthday Ollie!!! I didn't realize we were so close! We were just at St. Louis Children's on Tuesday :)

  24. Happy birthday sweet Ollie!!! My 2 year old could look at pictures of you for hours!!

  25. I can't believe she is a year old already!!! Happy 1st Birthday Ollie :)

  26. I cannot believe that a year has gone by already!!! Happy Birthday Miss Ollie:)

  27. she's beautiful! congratulations on a great year and many more to come!

  28. Happy Birthday Ollie...Annie, you are an amazing mom. The Lord knew what he was doing when he blessed your family with Ollie. Love reading your blog and watching your precious family grow! Love from Georgia...

  29. Happy birthday sweet girl! Me and my little boys just love all the pictures of your happy face.

  30. Oh sweet Ollie, you put the Happy in birthday! Thank you for shining your light and your joy on all of us! xoxo

  31. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the cutest of cute!!!

  32. Happy (belated) Birthday to Ollie!

  33. I have been going back through and reading some of your posts. I love this. She is so cute, and you guys have been through so much. Happy belated birthday Ollie!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie