Sunday, January 8, 2012

What's Goin' On

Aubrie Grace has lost her 3rd tooth!

You know what she asked the tooth fairy for??  

100 pennies to buy everything in the store with!

Everett Mason has declared that Wendy's Frosties are so good, 

they taste just like Disney World!

and how right is he?  

Disney World is so stinking great you can taste the happiness when you are there!!

 Tiny has tried out eggs - she is working on the pincer grip.

She also has a new big girl car seat in which she still looks tiny.

We leave for Disney Friday - watch out Mickey - the Reid's are gonna be back in town!!


  1. Oh have so much fun!!!! I can't wait to take Liddy!

  2. Disney can make anyone a happy person!

  3. Disney is the best place ever. I wish I were going.

  4. Disney world is fantastic! So wish we were going! Save travels and have fun!

  5. Oh gosh.....have a great time :)

  6. Have a great time at Disney! If Miss Ollie moves to fast you might need to put a locater device on her! Have fun at the store spending all those pennies! Fun fun is what you'll have, the weather is great here right now! Enjoy!


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