Saturday, January 21, 2012

What I wish I knew...

When I was pregnant with Ollie I was scared.  I didn't know what this "new" Mom life would be.

Here is what I wish I knew before she arrived...

How beautiful she would be, she's truly gorgeous!

That her giggle would still be as sweet to my ears as Aubrie and Everett's.

Love doesn't count chromosomes.

She would bless me in ways I never would have comprehended before.

She would build my relationship with Jesus.

That she's a baby, not a diagnosis - I forget she has Down Syndrome.

That from the moment I first saw her, that I would be overwhelmingly happy & in love with her and that extra chromosome.

That I'd look back at open heart surgery & view it as a blessing not a curse.

That I would love her tiny little hands so very much.

That being her Mom is easy.

That people sometimes stare, but it is because they need me and her to educate them.  We make a good team.

She would enrich the lives of her older brother & sister, not burden them in anyway.  They adore her!

I would learn patience, and would slow down to celebrate every.single.milestone.  Her newest is clapping - I cried...I couldn't even tell you when Aubrie & Everett clapped - isn't that sad!

That she would nurse so well and exclusively that weaning her would freak me out...but I have to do it soon!

I knew as a mother I would always fight for what is right for my children, I'm learning that fighting for her will be at a whole new level, and I'm ready for it.

That the book that listed every single medical condition she would have, was mostly wrong, but in some parts right.  It used to scare me, now I know her better than anyone and know more than her doctors in most cases.  

That the Down Syndrome clinic in St. Louis is a must - we had thought it wasn't a need when I was pregnant  - now we are SO grateful for it!

That most people think they know all about Down Syndrome and about 99% of those people know diddly squat.

She would take my strong marriage to a brand new level - she made Jade & I even better than before!

That I would be able to juggle all her medical and therapists appointments with no problem and be sure I'm around for the bigs too.

That she would be another piece of my heart broken off, walking around outside of my body.  I love you so very much tiny.

I could go on and on and on.  The truth is, I was scared for no reason.  She's a child of God.  She's a gift from HIM.  She's a beauty and I am blessed time and time again to be her mama.

For anyone that stumbles upon my blog & that has a prenatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome or a heart defect.  Please feel free to email me at  I would love to hear from you and help in anyway that I can.  When I was pregnant, my greatest resource could not be found in any book, but in the lives of kiddos just like Ollie Faith.  Their lives and photos shared with me on blogs built me up and strengthened my heart.  Their Mamas poured their hearts into mine and for that I am forever grateful - it is now my job to pay it forward.


  1. Amen amen amen. And I have to add that I am here for anyone who needs help or advice as well,
    It is my absolute honor to open my arms and welcome new parents into the fold. :)
    Being a mom is a truly wondrous experience. Being a mom of a kid with DS is amazing!

  2. Annie, Ollie has brought so much joy, education and happiness to people beyond your family. Just as you said, you learned from others' experiences and can now pass on what you have come to know as the truth. And it is a wonderful truth!

    So happy I got to see all you Reids in person last night. Now THAT was wonderful!

    Ann {{to you all}}

  3. A lovely lovely post Annie. She is beautiful.

  4. Perfect! Now if someone would have handed me something like this right after Russell was born I may not have felt so broken. I love how you write Annie, any new Mom stumbling across your blog would take such great comfort. Ollie is such a beautiful little girl :)

  5. We are on the Pay it Forward train! Fantastic post!

  6. Really enjoyed your blog! You & Ollie touch the hearts and minds of so many people! God knew just what He was doing when HE gave Ollie to your family!

  7. I LOVE THIS! You have now joined an exclusive club and those who pity us are simply misguided because kids like Ollie and Josie are an extra special gift from God and we are so blessed!

  8. Beautiful post for all moms. Beautiful babe. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie