Friday, January 20, 2012

Chef Mickey's & Downtown Disney

Yesterday started off with a giant hitch.  At 4:30 Miss O woke up having trouble breathing with croup.  We fought the good fight at the condo - steamy bathroom, cool night air over and over until it was under control.  Our pediatrician is the bomb diggity & called in a steriod prescription for her so she's on meds and now you can't even tell she's sick.  During the day it's remarkable how much better she is!

We had a mid-morning brunch appointment with Chef Mickey.

It was awesome!!

All of the characters came through and hugged on the kids.  It was fantastic!

The kids were ecstatic!

Ollie was less than enthused, but participated.

Then a celebration song came on and we were to swing our napkins around like helicopters.  Reminding me of a song I used to dig in college...

Then we went to Downtown Disney.  The lego stuff was amazing!!

Woody and this dragon were all made of legos!

The rest of the day we spent at home - the bigs and Jade hit the pool and me and Ollie hung out in the condo.

Gotta go we're off to SeaWorld again!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! It looks like the whole family is having a awesome time!!! I can't wait to take my kids!!! :)


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