Monday, December 5, 2011

Bad, bad blogger

Obviously I'm too busy for my own good.  Blogging is on the back burner to many other things...

Where have I been you ask?

Well, I'm a hermit in my house...I'm in my pjs, wearing house slippers, no makeup, and maybe a heart rate monitor - yeah I'm weird like that.  

I'm kissing on smooch-i-licious

and rocking tiny, she's sick again and on steroids - the roid rage has reappeared

and yes - Aubrie still lives here and gets her hugs too, but she's in school during photo hour and now spending the night at Grandma Janie's after spending the night with Ruru last night - is this what it's like when they are in 7th grade and do sleep overs every weekend and you never see them?  Gosh - she's still 5!


  1. i have a question that has nothing to do with this post. oh, wait, let me introduce myself. i'm jaime, a friend of elise s. i've been sort of following along since elise shared on FB the finding out of Ollie's Down Syndrome. (can i just say i am smitten n that precious girl? her smile lights up the room!)
    anyway. back to my question. the shakeology thingy... can you drink those while breastfeeding? my hubs and i are prepping to start insanity to help us get rid of my babyweight and i was considering the shakeology but know many things aren't necessarily okay for breastfeeding mommas. okay. thanks. have a great day! i think i have my reply-to email set up, but in case i don't it's jjjgibson(@)gmail(dot)com. okay. bye!

  2. poor baby...does she have recurrent sinus inf? Brooke had them for a while before finally getting her adenoids out last July...since then-smooth sailing! Seriously, she was on antibiotics every 2 1/2 weeks out of 4...blech

  3. Roid rage? With that sweet little face? Never!

    I've been totally out of the loop lately, too. Managing to squeak out a few blog posts, but been awful, just *awful* about actually reading other people's blogs. I feel bad. And the number of visits I've been getting have shown just what the others think about my slackerdom. LOL

    Hope the princess feels better soon!

    (PS, I'm wearing one of your necklaces right now! Got it on every day!)

  4. Hope everyone is feeling better soon! Ann

  5. Great 'roid rage face.


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