Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Down Syndrome Awareness Month

Who wants a full 31 days of Ollie Faith?

Oh I see you over there waving your arms going me, me, me.

Well guess what you are getting it!

October is Down Syndrome awareness month & I'm going to blog every single day about our favorite little flirt.

So here is the questions...what do you want to know, learn, discuss, see?

shoot me some topics & I'll blog em for you and I'll throw in some pictures of little Miss :)


  1. I would like you to blog about I am ollie's favorite aunt and family support is important :)

  2. or me because I am the most entertaining and we all know I AM the funny one.

  3. I'm still debating on whether or not to do that challenge this year...I did it last year and had fun but I am just wondering if I could do a full 31 days this year! I have to say though I am REALLY looking forward to 31 days of little Ollie :)

  4. Wondering what a typical week looks like for Miss Cutie Patootie, with therapies/ appointments? My daughter has speech therapy once a week and I sometimes wish we didn't have to do that :( Good luck w/ your 31 days of blogging!!

  5. Hi, I am curious why so many children born with down syndrome have to have heart surgery. Do they all have to have it? (I hope I worded that right).


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie