Friday, July 15, 2011

IDSC for Life Completed Necklace!!!

My supplies have arrived & today I made the necklace for the International Down Syndrome Coalition for Life!

I, as well as they, believe that all life is precious!

It is available here for purchase or you can see more of my work here on my Facebook page for Ollie Faith Designs.

So if you are wondering who are they what do they do?  This is copied from their website & you need to visit it to understand more...

We are parents, grandparents, and loved ones, of individuals who happen to have Down syndrome, standing alongside members who are self advocates. Together, we believe that ALL life is a precious.

Most of us became aware of the high termination rate of babies, who happen to have Down syndrome, when our children were born.

Some of us were informed that our child had Down syndrome while we were expecting. Following that diagnosis, quite a few of us were pressured to abort our child. In spite of that pressure, we went on to have our children.

Yet, there are a good number of us who were given encouragement by wonderful physicians, counselors, and other professionals. We were handed up to date information about Down syndrome when they told us our child’s diagnosis. Now, we want that same quality and caring experience for every family!

There are also some of us, who are grieving the loss of our child, because we did end the pregnancy. In honor of our children, we are standing with others, telling the world, that ALL life has dignity and is precious, including our child that we lost due to termination of our pregnancy.

Whatever our path, it led us to turn to advocacy groups to ask them what their stance was on this issue. Unfortunately, the National Down Syndrome Society, the National Down Syndrome Congress, and the ARC, who all advocate for individuals who happen to have Down syndrome, informed all of us, that they had a position “to not have a position”. All of these groups do wonderful things for the Down syndrome community, however, there was a piece that was missing for our families. After all, it has been reported by many, that the rate of abortion for a baby who happens to have Down syndrome, is near 90%. By far, this is the most discriminating act that is happening to individuals with Down syndrome today!

So, in light of this, the International Down Syndrome Coalition for Life was formed. Our goals are to advocate in the womb and in the room! We believe that ALL LIFE is precious! We believe that taking a life because the child has an extra chromosome is a form of eugenics. We believe that dignity for a person begins at conception.

Our hearts and prayers go out to the women who have lost their children to abortion, due to pressure or misinformation about the Down syndrome diagnosis. Sadly, this happens when families are most vulnerable. The IDSC grieves for and with these families.

We are not looking to raise money. We are hoping to raise awareness of this tragedy.

We are here to support the families who believe with us that ALL life is precious, including the life of their family member or friend who happens to have Down syndrome.

We are here to help the families who do not think they can raise a child who happens to have Down syndrome, but instead choose the adoption option!

And we are here, for the individuals who happen to have Down syndrome, who are part of our coalition, and are proudly pro life! Their pro life voices are incredibly inspiring to ALL of us!

We stand together, knowing that ALL life is indeed precious!
As you can see they are an amazing group & I am proud to be a member of this awesome project.  We were fortunate during our pregnancy to have an educated doctor that told us the amazing beauty in children that have Down Syndrome & that Ollie's  heart could be repaired surgically.  We were not pushed toward abortion or even an amnio like most couples are.  Fortunately, we also knew going into our level II ultrasound that people with Down Syndrome live very full lives from knowing a classmate in our community.  However, this is rarely the picture that is painted with a prenatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome.  Abortion is often pushed which is why our Ollie is the lucky 1 out of 10 babies to survive pregnancy.  In my opinion I am the lucky 1 in 800 to get her as my child.  I wish the doctors were educated about the charm she posesses.  You can't see her charm on paper, but if you are lucky enough to receive her smile it is there!


  1. Annie this necklace is just beautiful! I am so very happy for you to have this opportunity! What a wonderful cause for some amazing children!

  2. So beautiful! Off to look at the details!

  3. Annie, just beautiful. I will be ordering one when I order that baby blanket I wanted for my nephew - who arrived 2 and a half months early yesterday!!! He's in NICU and doing fine, but I've got to start thinking about that blanket now! Ann

  4. Annie, this is great I love it! Love it.

  5. I have tears in my eyes - this is absolutely beautiful! I am buying one now! Thank you for your role in this incredible cause. You are a tremendous asset to the Down syndrome community!

  6. I swear, you and little miss Ollie are going to change the world!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie