Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tomorrow We Get A Healthy Heart...

When you have children a piece of your heart breaks off and lives outside your body. 

Your heart rejoices when your child rejoices, it breaks when your child's heart breaks, and it loves that child completely and unconditionally. 

When you have children, you promise your entire life to them, no matter what their ability level is.  You would walk through fire for them.

It makes you so vulnerable when it comes to that child's health. 

I can't repair a broken heart, I just can't.  I can't fight for Ollie, it's up to her body to fight for us, and the way she loves us - I know she'll fight.  I would take away all the pain, all the suffering, I'd have that surgery to spare her that scar.

However, there is nothing I can do.  She needs this surgery to survive.  There are no other options. 

I have to turn my fears and anxiety over to HIM completely.  I trust in HIS judgement.  I know he will carry us through this.  I know HIS plan is the best plan.

HE has given us the best blessings in life, our children.  We are honored to spend our days kissing the cheeks & stroking the foreheads of Aubrie, Everett, and Ollie. 

So the day before her surgery we celebrate her life over the past four months.  She has touched more people than we will ever know.  She is loved all over the US & in other countires as well.  She has blessed many and strengthened the faith of those that love her.  Her eyes sparkle like she truly knows the secrets of heaven.  HE knows her and HE loves her more than we could ever imagine.  Tomorrow HE will hold her tiny hand as her surgeon, her living angel, repairs her tiny heart.  HIS will shall be done.

We will all rejoice when she has her healthy heart beating strong inside her little chest.

God Bless you all for the love of my daughter.  Please pray for us all in the coming days because this is by far the hardest thing we have ever done.  If you think of the perfect scripture - send it our way -

I will update as I can.  My Mom may update more than I can.  Here is her blog.


  1. I'm not very good at scriptures, but just know there are so many people praying and thinking of all of you during this time. Ollie your miracle and you are hers. How lucky she, Aubrie and Everett are to have you for a mom. You were chosen for a reason to help Ollie on this difficult journey. Ann {{Ollie}}

  2. Praying for you.(remember the mustard seed)

  3. Ollie will do great and you have done so much for her. She knows that she is loved and she knows what she is fighting for... you, her Momma and the rest of her beautiful family. Her strength is through God and through the love that she receives from her family and friends. She is STRONG!

  4. Praying for your family and little Miss Ollie. Heavenly Father will take care of her, she is meant for great things here on this Earth. She will do great tomorrow!!

  5. I was thinking of you this morning, remembering how I felt in the days that led up to Samantha's surgery. So much anxiety, so much uncertainty. But it has to be done, and that little girl of yours is a fighter!! I can only send my thoughts and hopes for smooth sailing tomorrow, and lots of virtual HUGS!!

  6. Sending an abundance of prayers and blessings your way today and in the days ahead.Peace for your anxious heart and wisdom in the moments of uncertainty.Knowing God will be carrying not only precious Ollie in His hands,but you all as well.I remember these days like they were yesterday,a rebirth and new beginnings.Anxiously awaiting news,till then love from California.

    *So funny,I have this quote on a title of a blog post waiting to be published:"Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." ~Elizabeth Stone

  7. Praying our hearts out for you here in Oregon- can't wait to see the pictures of that beautiful baby post-surgery! We know she'll do great!

  8. I will continue to pray for sweet Ollie.

  9. I know right where you are coming from: our Mylie had open-heart surgery at 6 mos. It was so hard to hand her over to the nurse not knowing what the outcome would be, but we gave her over to God and He gave us an amazing peace. I'll bet you will be amazed at how she handles surgery! Mylie's recovery was fast and amazing!! And the best thing was how much healthier she was after the surgery - no comparison!! It made a HUGE difference for her.
    Here are some verses that were a comfort to me during that time: Psalm 94:17-19. Especially verse 19: "In the multitude of my thoughts within me, Thy comforts delight my soul."
    I'll be praying for little Ollie.

  10. We're praying for you, Ollie. You beautiful, sweet, precious bundle of love!

  11. I'm prayin, Annie! One verse I love is Romans 8:26, " And the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. For example, we don't know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays FOR us with goranings that cannot be expressed in words."

    I love this because many times I am not sure HOW exactly to pray for things, but this reminds us that the Holy Spirit takes over that for us. Kind of like a double prayer, haha!!


  12. Ok, that was supposed to say "groaning's", lol

  13. i truly hope everything turns out ok. all the best to you guys!

  14. Will continue to pray for you guys...can't imagine all the emotions you must be experiencing. Looking forward to the blog aboout Ollie's healthy heart :)

  15. Found your blog through 1 in 100 on FB! We are praying for your beautiful Ollie! Dr. Huddleston has performed 2 open heart surgeries on my son William (HLHS) who is now 8 months old and doing great! The man works miracles and he will work one on Ollie tomorrow! You will get through this, too - Ollie will inspire you with her strength, guaranteed!

  16. Praying for Princess Ollie and her family...tomorrow will be hard...but God-willing you will get thru it, all of you.
    My baby has a heart defect as well...she also was born in February...she had her open heart surgery at 5 days old. She now is thriving at home. She has thrived and done so well that its unbelievable...hopefully Ollie will do the same and soon be home with all of you again!

  17. I came here from another blog and want to tell you that I will be keeping all of you in my prayers tomorrow with the certain knowledge that your baby will thrive.

  18. So many "perfect" verses that I can't pick one. But even more than perfect verses is our perfect Heavenly Father! Praying, praying, praying.

    Don't know why Isaiah 55:12 comes to mind just now..."You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands."

  19. I allowed myself to go be nosey on your mother's blog and saw that you have a 7:30 surgery. 7:30 is awesome, I'm guessing the first case of the day. It makes for an early morning, but by noonish, this will all be behind you. My son's surgery was at 7:30 and he was done by 12:20, but it was one before we saw him (they had to get him settled). I'll be praying for peace and strength for you and your family, steady, sure hands for your surgeons, and strength for Ollie. I'll also pray for extra strength for you and your husband when you first see her after surgery. It's incredibly hard to see them like that, but it all goes away so quick, you'll be amazed how fast she'll recover.

  20. Praying for a smooth surgery and quick as lightning recovery! Will join in raising up prayers for Ollie tomorrow.

  21. Annie, I know that I do not know you and that you do not know me. However, I have been following sweet Ollie's journey and I can tell that she is one strong cookie. My cousin works at the Children's hospital where Ollie's surgery is being performed. She will be in good hands. I have been praying and praying--for your family, for Ollie, for the medical staff. Keep the faith. Stay strong.

  22. We love SLCH, and we trust them. Know that you are for sure in great hands. We have been there...the hand-off is surreal as you watch them take her. (It seems so real still in my memory, even though it was just over 4 years ago!) But the payoff of a healthy little one with a fully functioning little is such a blessing!

    We'll be praying for success and complication-free recovery!

  23. It's already Thursday where I live and I'm already awake and praying. Praying souch!

  24. I´m with you and with your baby! I send love and light to you! I send you thousands of angels, who are at Ollie Faiths site and who hold your hand. Give all in Gods hand! He will carry you!


  25. John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
    God's holding all of you in the palm of His loving hand.


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie