Thursday, June 2, 2011

Time at home...

June is finally here! 

I can't believe it.  Time flies when you have kids.  Since we found out about Ollie's heart, we were guessing her surgery would be in June.  We guessed right.  We have anxiously been waiting for June for months, and now...we're looking forward to July!

The weather has been HOT here!  I put out the sprinkler yesterday and the kids were Everett was thrilled.  Aubrie wailed dramatically on the porch like she had been beaten severely.  You see she HATES the outdoors.  She is adamant that the bees and wasps are conspiring against her and they are just dead set on stinging her.  I told her the options - play outside in the sprinkler or lay in your bed and watch Everett play.  She chose her bed & was then shocked that I wouldn't turn on the TV or a movie with the bonus of popcorn...she obviously wants to be a TV head this summer, and that's not gonna happen!  I thought I won, but she beat me at my own game by happily lying in her bed & taking a nap for over 2 hours.  What the crap she never does that.  Apparently she'll go to any length to win!

It's going to be a LONG summer with the bee lady.

You can tell by her pose she is 5 going on 16!  Oh and she got new glasses - yes she's getting big folks! 

I am spending as much time as possible doting over Miss O.  She's like crack cocaine for Moms - she is seriously addictive.  I am just dying over her cheeks & wrist rolls - ugh she's sweet!

We are all doing well and enjoying our time at home!  With no school, no work - I haven't drove the van in 2 days.  It's awesome!!  So much time to enjoy each other.

Ollie's surgery is exactly one week from today - keep the prayers a coming!!


  1. Aubrie's pose kills me and no wonder she slept...wailing is exhausting.

  2. Lots of prayers for Miss Ollie! And I love the porch swing picture - they're adorable!

  3. The pose is absolutely killing me.Seriously.

    Thinking of you all as you inch closer to surgery.Sending prayers and knowing sweet Ollie is going to knock it out of the park.I am so anxious for you to see that sparkle in her eyes after.You are so going to know what I am taking about.Just watch.

  4. I came across your blog via the Urban Farmgirl blog. I just wanted to drop in and say "Good luck!" and I'm praying for you! My newborn had three heart surgeries for Williams Syndrome ( I know how nerve wracking it can be, but God will pull her through. She's a cutie!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie