Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers Day

Today we celebrate the Dad's in our life. 

I have been fortunate when it comes to Dads.  My Grandpas were/are amazing men that I love dearly. 

My Grandma Toots & Grandpa Howard (Mom's parents - married 70 years!!)

My Dad is the best there is.  He just is a great man & he loves babies. 

I married my best friend & have watched him turn into a terrific father.

Everett gave Jade a jar of rocks that said "My Dad Rocks" & Aubrie made him a pot holder.  Aubrie said he'd freak out over his gifts & he did!  They also answered questions about him.  Everett said he is so tall he's big as a wall.

One year ago today we celebrated the news that I was expecting.  Little did we know what the good lord had in store for us.  Miss Ollie is better than we ever would have dreamed of with our own plans.  We are really looking forward to this coming year.  Open heart surgery is over!!!  Ollie can grow and thrive.  Aubrie starts kindergarten, and Everett does his second year of preschool.  Caroline will turn two and Penelope Jane will meet our family.  Maggie & Kylie build their dream house too!  It's going to be a good year.

Today we just had fun.  Fried chicken, amazing desserts, naps, and a kids pool to float in.  What a great day!

Caroline's legs & booty = best ever!

booty pickin...

My favorite part of this picture...Ev in the background.

He got stung by a sweat bee...but he claimed a bug laid eggs on his belly screen (team umizoomi).


  1. You are surrounding by wonderful men including Mr. E who looks proud as punch over his sting and belly! Loved the pictures and so glad to hear Ollie is FF (Fever Free). Ann {{Ollie}}

  2. Surrounded. Sorry, still recovering from your mom's post about S. Tyler. Ann

  3. You have some beautiful kiddo's!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie