Saturday, June 11, 2011

Biggie Bigs

My bigs came!

Everett quickly decided everything here was A-OK.

Aubrie was so excited.  She missed Ollie and loved seeing her.  She is fascinated by her incision & is just dying to see what it really looks like under the bandage.  We may have some future health care worker on our hands.  She stated, I don't want to fix hearts, I just want to sew up the skin...hmmm sounds like a plastic surgeon to me!

She also announced that oxygen comes from trees.  She is smart this girl.

They were thrilled when we got Ollie out.  Aubrie insisted she should hold her, and of course we didn't let her.

The familiar sound of chaos in the air with Aubrie & Everett around quickly threw Ollie into a coma.  She's been listening to cello and Mozart cds while we are here, we need a Reid household sounds cd & we'd be set.

Everett went into posing mode.  He was ramped up after the two hour car ride & the excitement of seeing so many people he loves.  Plus, a small room with a hundred things he shouldn't touch - he was wound!

He was bringing goofy back.

He has super lashes like his daddy & brownish black eyes.

Aubrie got in on the crazy too.

They even stole the camera and got Jade to participate.

Aunt Abbie got her squeezes onto Miss O.  She loved it.

Dad talked to Ollie about how tough she is.  He always walks it off so she obviously got the gene from him.  They have deep conversations about life all the time. 

Love this little tough as nails girl!

Oh and I have been moving her around & even burped her.  I'm getting used to her incision, well kind of...


  1. Every update just makes me so happy! Sooooo happy that Little Miss Ollie is doing so well! She's a tough one! Praising the Lord for her awesome progress!!!! Thinking of you guys and praying for you all!!!

  2. What an amazing little family! Way to give Lady O! Keep up the good work.
    nana cam

  3. Ollie is adorable! Your family is in my thoughts and prayers, what a gorgeous family you have!

  4. I am happy to see you all together and enjoying this precious girl! I pray she keeps getting better each day and you can take her home very soon. Anne

  5. It does my heart good to see everyone back under the same roof! That baby of yours is the coolest thing EVER. Man, I want to give her a squeeze! So thankful for His sovereign protection over your little girl.

  6. It is so wonderful to see your sweet thing with her eyes open. Prayers are wonderful things!

    Hugs my dear!


  7. These are the best pictures EVER, Annie. Thank you for letting me get to see Miss Ollie yesterday...she IS tough, and so are you. It won't be long now before you're headed home and on to the future with a heart that is 100 percent perfect!

    Big Hugs....


  8. I had fun seeing all the reactions of the "bigs", grandparents, etc. to Ollie's progress through your words and pictures. I sure sense the "relief" and "praisin'" going on! I'm getting in on it just by reading about it!

  9. Everything and everyone are looking good! So nice to see! Ollie looks nice and pink and alert too! Great!

  10. First of all I want to claim Aubrie as my doc when I get old(er). First dibs! Any 5 year old that wants to stitch stuff up is good in my book. Everett, you definitely have a career in modeling, just as your dad should. Annie, you and Ollie will be mother/daughter funky furniture/art people just like you and your mom and sisters. And when you all get a cut, well, you know who to call.... So glad to see these pictures! Ann {{Ollie}}

  11. Dear Annie
    I was introduced to your blog by urban farmgirl's blog, just on the day that Ollie was to have her surgery. My prayers were with you that day. I've checked off and on as I was away this weekend and I'm so glad to check in to see that all is progressing nicely. Praise God. I just wanted to say that your little Ollie is so blessed to have all of you. I can see the love through your pictures. God's blessings to all of you.

  12. Hope this goes through. I can't seem to get posted to your threads with my google account on my laptop.

    Having been praying for Ollie Faith and all of your family. God is so good and He knew where to place Ollie Faith on this earth.


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie