Saturday, May 14, 2011

Ollie Ollie Oxenfree

Miss O is better.  She caught my cold, but thank goodness for the awesome immunity in breast milk because she's back at it!

She went Monday to the doctor because I felt she was struggling with her heart a bit.  We upped her Lasix for 2 days.  We went back Friday and she was looking better - she's back to her regular medication dosage.  She's up to a whopping 9 pounds 15 ounces at 13 weeks of age.  She's around 21" long.  I was this size at birth - yes I'm not kidding.  My poor Mom...

I thought you might enjoy a glorious thigh shot.  That's right - she's breaking out her small amount of chub for the warm summer season already!  Get ready for bikini weather!  she'll be rocking some rolls, and a serious battle scar to show everybody who the tough girl is!


  1. love her so...she is so pretty

  2. So happy to hear she is over her cold.


  3. Glad she's okay! Love, love, love those pudgy little legs!

  4. So glad to know she is feeling better. Miss O has the luckiest family, sounds like never too much love at your household! Looking forward to seeing summer fun shots and her modeling her favorite bikini!

  5. Can't wait to see that bikini! Ollie you keep gaining! Ann {{Ollie}}

  6. I had your blog saved on my favourites and had not looked at it for a long time, until this evening. I have spent the last hour reading all your posts from this past few months.How quickly our lives can change. I would just like to say how full of admiration I am for you both, I have been very moved by baby Ollie's story. She is a beautiful little girl. I have no doubt that she has gave you a capacity to love, more than you ever thought possible. It would be my pleasure to pray for her. Sending you all warmest wishes from Ireland.

  7. LOVE LOVE LOVE the thighs! My sweet grand daughter has them too. Wish they were as adorable when you got older. LOL. I know you have visited my blog. Would love to have your address as I have a little something to send to Ollie. Have printed and also posted about her surgery. Want to cover that little one in prayer!!

  8. Oops....wanted to give you my email


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie