Friday, April 1, 2011

Tummy Time

This is how little Miss rolls.  With a serious STOP sign about not touching her.  Yet, at Kohl's...a lady tried to touch her.  People are amazing.  I had cat like reflexes and ended it before she snuck her hands onto little miss.

Today we played on the floor awhile.  Please note, Ollie thinks I am absolutely ha-larious.  I kind of am.

After some giggling, we did some tummy time.  Baby girl is a pro.  She's pushing up on her arms and lifting her head from side to side.  Rockstar?  I think yes.


  1. the tummy time video cracked me up! I love how she really gets the big eyed crazy head wobble. she is just the best!

  2. too good...where's your tummy time video?

  3. Oh my goodness, Ollie is so strong, looks like she's doing great! Nice sign by the way, I cant believe someone STILL tried to touch her!!

  4. Beautiful, beautiful girl!!!! Her hair cracks me up!

  5. Oh my goodness she is getting so big and strong! Way to go Ollie! I LOVE the stop sign what a great idea....too bad she is sooo irresistable that people don't follow directions! That pic of her smiling at you is just great!

  6. She is so cute! I love that she is smiling!

  7. That video is so cute!!! Great job, Ollie! I always felt like tummy time was torture and had such a hard time enforcing it. LOL

    How on EARTH could someone miss her Stop sign? Ugh. I love that - wish I'd had one of those when Sammi was a baby. Btw, did you get my e-mails with the DSA stuff?

  8. She is doing amazing! What a little cutie! :)

    And really, people are crazy, I think they lose their mind sometimes when it comes to touching your stomach when you are preggo, and then after you have your baby touching them (sometimes after they just hacked or something right in front of you.) Geesh.

  9. Totally a rock star with a Mohawk and everything.
    Let me tell you she is so CUTE! last time I read your blog was when you didn't even know if it was a girl or boy. I was reading my blog and I mentioned your blog in a post so I just clicked the link to say hello and found this cute baby. oh surprise!

  10. yup rock star for sure! and a cute one, i might add!! she is doing great :)

  11. The Fauxhawk is the best part! Rock star indeed little Miss Pete Wentz (before he got his hair cut!). Ann {{Ollie}}


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