Saturday, March 19, 2011

What we are up to...

We are doing really great!  Ollie is a sweet heart!

Last week we found out she isn't gaining as much as she should, and I wrote a blog about it.  The first few days with formula were really hard.  She's not used to it and she would spit up...more like vomit...everything I just fed her.  It was kind of defeating the purpose.  I have never used formula, or very very rarely with my big kids so I had no idea what was going on.  It was stressful.  I called the doctor and I reduced the amount of formula she was taking until she could handle it.  Then I slowly increased it and now she's taking what the Dr. wanted her to take.  She's still taking breastmilk, with just 2 teaspoons of formula mixed in.  So I'm still a slave to my pump, but it's good for her...and finally some weight is coming off my body because of it!  I'm really hoping the formula helps her gain faster.  She goes back on the 28th and then we will know.

Monday she's evaluated by her physical therapist.  I'm anxious to hear what they think about her!

Other than Ollie, we are all doing good.  I'm super busy sewing and stamping jewelry so I can stay home until Ollie's surgery.  The big kids are busy playing and fighting most of the day.  My days fly by and I'm not sure how considering I'm up at 6:30 every day.

I also noticed I'm up to 200 followers - woot woot!  I apologize in advance b/c I am so very busy I haven't had time to read other people's blogs.  So I'm not ignoring anyone, I'm just running around in a hectic manner all day long!

Oh and now I have to go - baby is hungry :)


  1. I love love love that adorable carseat picture!

  2. Oh my goodness, Ollie is so beautiful! Hopefully she will star gaining weight a little better, as she eases into the the formula more slowly.

  3. she is so sweet!
    glad to hear all is still going well!

  4. my goodness she is getting cuter by the minute! I love checking back in over here and seeing your beautiful family!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie