Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Buddha Belly

Oh don't let this girlfriend deceive you.

She is rocking the belly and the cheeks, but she's a wee little thing!  She's still wearing the newborn clothes and she'll be 6 weeks on Thursday!

We finally got her taking the formula supplement in her breast milk every time.  She eats 2 ounces about 8 times a day.  I wish girlfriend would eat 3 ounces, but I'm not pushing her - every ounce of liquid gold is for the most part staying inside.  If we push it - she explodes and we lose all that precious breast milk and calories.  Since I'm a slave to my pump I have a HUGE amount of frozen milk...not sure what we'll do with all that!  My sister Maggie is amazed at my frozen supply!  Oh and woo to the hoo - she will nurse some!  There is still hope for after surgery that we'll only nurse - I'm telling you this bottle feeding business is way harder than nursing!

She's doing great!  Rocking the hairdo as always, grinning like a wild woman, and sleeping hard like she's in hibernation!

She goes back to the pediatrician on Monday - I'm praying we've hit 9 pounds...keep your toes and fingers crossed for us!

Also, if you like my house & my furniture...Ethel Edith is back for spring!  We have some very cool inventory on hand & some new colors sure to knock your socks off!  Our first show is April 2nd, and our big spring show is April 30th with multiple amazing vendors by our side!  Check out our Ethel Edith blog for details or find us on Facebook!


  1. I'll share the weight gain agony, believe you me... We had a completely different set of circumstances, but we still had the fortified BM for the first few months... Piper finally outgrew her newborn wardrobe at about 7 months (not the undershirts, mind you- they lasted for quite a while longer, lol). We just call her concentrated cuteness. And besides- you don't have to worry about the "Ah, dang! She outgrew it before she even got to wear it!" bit. Sounds like she's doing great- grow, baby, GROW! :)

  2. Oh! I forgot to say that if you really do need somewhere for all your unused milk, you can donate to local milk banks where it goes to micro preemies and other kiddles who desperately need it for one reason or another. You do need to START donating by the time Ollie is 6 months, though, and finish when she turns a year. Piper nursed exclusively from about 3 1/2 months on, but I was too afraid to stop pumping for fear that my supply would deteriorate all together. Sooo, I pumped, lol. Anyway, you can find more info at www.hmbana.org, if you're interested. :)

  3. She is ADORABLE!! I love that hair. Ok, we are leading parallel lives here. We call Bailey Buddha Belly too! She has the big belly just like cute little Ollie. I love it! And we're also doing the pumping/bottle/formula fortified breast milk thing too. I hope that it all works out for Ollie to nurse for you after her surgery...we're hoping for the same thing in our house. It sounds so luxurious, doesn't it? :)

  4. Ok, when I saw the title I thought for sure you had seen me somewhere recently. I think Miss Ollie and I share the same belly. I went clothes shopping today....YIKES! is all I can say. Time to lay off the ice cream and girls scout cookies. My belly is no way is as cute as hers! Lol!

    And here is the note I just left on your Mom's blog...just thought I needed to pass this on to you, too. Wink...wink!

    "And hey, I just might be in your neck of the woods this summer! Mr. Kenny Chesney himself is going to be in St Louis at the end of July and I have every intention of having my booty in the front row! ;o)


  5. Oh, and by the way...her "do" is the cutest thing...ever! ;o)

  6. Annie she is soooo perfect! I seriously can't wait to squeeze on her! Her hair is absolutely fantastic as well as the sweet little belly!

  7. Ollie, you squeeze my heart every time I see photo's of you! Sending much love and prayers (I have a letter to God up by my desk) from South Africa.

    Again Annie, I think you are amazing. And I hope that when you are weary you gain engouragement from your readers. I read through your comments and I know that there are so many people you are praying for you and sending love. And if I was in the States I would love to go to one of your Ethel Edith shows

  8. La Leche league also has a milk bank. You are a tireless one woman show Annie! Nine pounds is surely just around the corner.

    Just wish I lived in your neck of the woods so I could come to the show! Ann {{Ollie and those 9 lbs}}

  9. If it makes you feel better, or Ollie normal, my eight week old is not quite 9 and still wearing newborn clothes! I tried to put a 0-3 on her yesterday and she looked silly! Good luck Ollie!

  10. I love the picture! It is amazing how they can look so big in a picture and really be so little. She is very adorable.


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie