Sunday, February 20, 2011

My Sleeping Beauty

Ollie Faith sleeps all the time.  Literally, all.the.time. 

I have the most fabulous friend, Jamie.  She takes gorgeous photos & she came to my house & captured sweet Ollie.  It was the only time Ollie has been wide awake for long - a whopping 2 hours she was awake!!  I couldn't believe it.  Enjoy the beautiful photos by Jamie.  So grateful to call her my good friend!

She still has blue eyes!  I can't get over it!  My older two kids always had such dark dark navy eyes at birth that immediately went to a deep brown.  They are so brown they are almost black.  Ollie's however are still blue, I'm curious to see if they stick.  I never expected blue eyes out of any of my kids!

Her cheeks kill me!  They are so chubby & kissable.  When you kiss them she cracks up!

This last one is from my cell phone.  She was cracking up last night, and I some how some way snapped at just the right moment for perfection.  She's seriously spectacular!  I had to share it because it makes me so happy to see that hilarious grin!

She smiles all the time!  We adore her!  She's doing great.  She's still doing the billibed at night or if she's napping.  I'm not making her lay in it if she's awake.  That seems cruel because she wants out of it when she's awake.  Her counts are going down, but the doctor just wanted to keep it as a precaution so that's why we have it.  Her jaundice was especially bad because she was a different blood type than me.  My other two kids had jaundice, but never ever like this.  I hate jaundice.  Her last heel prick is tomorrow we hope!  After that we just get to enjoy her and take her to endless doctor appointments!

She never cries.  She just crabs a tiny bit, or makes the screaming face with no sound.  I wonder who she'll be when she has a healthy heart.  Will she still be this easy?  I'm anxious to meet her after that "rebirth".  For now she eats every 2-3 hours like a pig.  I am a zombie, but it's totally worth it!


  1. ollie is such a doll! if she is like miss maggie even once she has her healthy heart she will still sleep a lot and be so content and so easy :) magpie far... the easiest baby of my 3 girls ;)

  2. Annie she is precious and those pictures are beautiful. I especially love the last one. She looks so joyful.

  3. I just can't believe how ADORABLE this little angel is! You are truly blessed.

  4. The top two are my favy's but they are ALL very good. Of coarse she is so beautiful that they would be no matter what! She is truly gorgeous!

  5. Oh my gosh I want to kiss those cheeks. LOVE the smiley picture so much. She is going to be a smiler, I can tell. So glad to see these pictures...thanks for posting them! :)

  6. So precious and pure. So UTTERLY innocent. She is clearly surrounded and sustained completely by God's most amazing grace in the form of family love, the prayers of many, and wise medical support. God bless you ALL - and Annie, get some sleep!

  7. I love her rosebud mouth and to me I see Aubrey in her face. So lovely and how wonderful to be documenting her progress, all of your's really. Thank you for sharing will all of us out here Annie. Get rest for Mama. Ann {{Ollie + you}}

  8. Awww...just look at that sweet face!!! I love her! And those cheeks?? Those are some serioulsly kissable chubby cheeks!


  9. She is so BEAUTIFUL!!! I love her eyes. So great she is such a happy baby.


  10. As always...Jamie did a great job! But, how can you go wrong with your beautiful little gal! I can't get over how 'smiley' she is! Always brings a smile to my face!! And again....thanks so much for sharing Annie!

  11. Annie, these pictures of Ollie Faith are sooo adorable!! She is sooo very precious!! I love her beautiful smiles! I ♥ Ollie Faith too!


  12. Your baby girl, Ollie, is a precious angel. I am now home with my 3 children, but in my past life(as that is how it feels) I worked in a pediatric cardiovascular ICU. I saw many, many sweet babies and children. It was a true privilege to work with the children and their famililes. I was drawn to your blog because of your home (LOVE IT!) But now check back daily on updates on Ollie. My prayers are with you and your sweet family. May God wrap His protective arms around you all. Much love.

  13. She is totally precious!

  14. She is SO SO cute!!! (my second son slept *all* the time. All. The. Time. I swear, he'd sleep 23 out of 24 hours (No exaggeration).. I couldn't even wake him to nurse him!

  15. I think this girl i one mazingly beautiful baby! She is so perfect. God helps to create the most fabulous masterpieces! I never give up on Him! Anne

  16. Hey you need to meet Sheree at THe Phamily log. I accidentally stumbled on her while searching myself on google. I am phamily blog and my blog address comes up annesphamily! So I took it s a sign from God to meet this ovely mom of two. Then you can meet the Sanchez Family too. They are such awesome parents all of them!


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie