Monday, February 7, 2011

My heart has grown 3x in size...

Yesterday was crazy in my house to say the least.   Maggie & Kylie were half moved in, stuff was everywhere, it was chaos.

I about died when my sisters said I had a surprise visitor!  Then I turned the corner to find my very best friend.
(Me & Melissa before her 3rd arrived nearly 2 years ago - I obviously need to take new pictures of us!)

Melissa had planned a silent baby shower for me.  She was in cahoots with my Mom & sisters.  I had NO clue they were up to anything.  Last week I kept getting gifts & then randomly money or gas was odd.  I didn't understand it.  I even mentioned it to my sister, saying isn't that weird?!?  Maggie didn't think it was so weird b/c she was in on the plan!

Well when Melissa showed up, I understood what was going on.  She had piles of cards and gifts for Ollie.

She along with my family had contacted many of my friends, family, & community.  They out poured their love for Ollie on my family.  Jade & I received so many lovely notes and prayers.  They were teamed up with money, gas cards for the road trips, gift cards for diapers, food, and meals, and beyond all that, a sign up list of people to bring us hot or frozen meals when Ollie arrives. 

(Abbie, Mom, Maggie, Me, & Aubrie - again - almost 2 years ago before Caroline arrived - why don't I take more pictures???)

I still can't believe it!  All for our family.

When I was a little girl, I loved Melissa for her spunk.  She was full of fire and took on the boys in any sport & she was completely different from shy little me.  We had a great time in whatever we were up to.  Now that we are grown, she's changed so much, but at the same time is the exact same person.  Her heart is beautiful.  She's a mother to 3, with a 4th on the way.  She has a deep passion for special education.  She loves me like her sister.  Her support and friendship mean the world to me.  I love her so very very much.  She blesses me with her thoughtfulness & friendship.  I have spent 22 years as her best friend, which is an honor.

Now our daughters, Aubrie & Millie, are the best of friends.  With Melissa's 4th due in September Millie said to Melissa "Now that you & Annie are both gonna have new babies, I bet they will be good friends like me & Aubrie."  Oh how sweet!

I also don't want to forget my family in this post since they were helpers.  I was so blessed with an amazing Mom.  She goes above and beyond every single time when it comes to our family - Dad too.  My sisters are amazing.  Abbie has put a lot of sweat time into my home & finishing the basement for Maggie & Kylie, and a lot of time into moving them.  Then, Maggie has moved her family in to help our family & bless us in the coming months.  I love my brother in laws too!  Zac did special wiring on the basement & Kylie was there as much as Jade.  I just couldn't ask for a better support system in my life.  They make me laugh so hard I snort & cry, and they make my heart grow 3x its size.

PS - Maggie is finally moved in!!  Pictures of the basement to come soon!

Also, now that everyone is settled in, Maggie & I are hoping for 2 "new normal" nights before we leave for St. Louis.  I'm hoping with the "new normal" I finally start sleeping all night again...we shall see if my pregnant bones allow for it!


  1. Annie, I hope your "silent shower" was INCREDIBLE! You are so lucky to be surrounded by so many wonderful ladies in your life! ;o)

    Happy Silent Shower!


  2. I love that Melissa. She has always been special.

  3. what a wonderful friend! can't believe it is almost time to meet miss ollie :)


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie