Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bring Your Banjo

When your greatest friends come over, they bring their banjo!

You see this man in the middle, well it's John Heiserman, and we are beyond blessed that he repeatedly shows up to save our butts.  He is in tight with my Dad, and God love him for putting up with Dad's antics...well probably more like Mom's antics.  John's wife is a great friend to my Mom, and I'm sure double date nights nearly render Dad & John deaf with these two cackling ladies together! 

John builds homes for a living & when we built our house, he continually showed up with Bob Villa helpful hints to help Jade & Dad out.  This time when he showed up he brought his banjo!  This banjo put the drywall tape & first layer of mud on our walls in no time flat.  It's seriously amazing how fast he could throw up the tape & mud!

Aubrie was thoroughly impressed with John's skills.

Jade is still sporting the rally beard & I finally got a picture of it!

When men Dad's size fall down it's not usually graceful.  Somehow this man perched himself on a piece of drywall on top of a garbage can & sawhorse.  When he came crashing down I seriously thought they were throwing ladders.  He has a full arm scar to prove he's tough.  I still can't believe he thought the drywall would hold his weight - hilarious. 

PS - don't ever tell Dad I said this, but why are his forearms so massive?  He's 51 - really, really dad!?  I think he has one of those shake weights or something.

The kids, well we tried to keep them out of the way.  They tried to shampoo their own hair...didn't Aubrie do a great job?

Caroline ran around in her PJs after her bath and even cleaned her belly button!

The next time I checked on the men, John grew substantially.  He had also finished taping Caroline's room!  I'm telling you he's good, and since he runs his own business I'd like to point out that if you are in the area & need construction work, he's the man for the job!!

Dad wanted me to be sure I got a picture of his Fox Redi-Mix shirt from the back.  Yes he sells concrete when he's not farming so we can provide for your summer concrete projects!  If you order from them you may get to speak to a European model, I mean Kylie.

These men are hilarious together & I won't repeat their discussions about stilts, it was inappropriate to say the least!

Give John Heiserman a room and thirty minutes, this is what you get!  Perfection!


  1. Ha-larious! I own a shake weight and now I know who has been using it! Certainly, not me, little arm!

  2. wait... cackling, why I never!

  3. P.S. John said "I love those guys" when he was looking at the pics...he cracks me up! and
    P.S.S. I definitley cackle...Janie, you chortle.hahaha
    P.S.S.S. double date nights are the best. It's my goal everytime we're together to make Stu say at least once "those babbling idiots in the back" and call your mom "Hoopie Lou", and my evening is not complete w/o making the men run through McDonald's for a drink for my salty tongue. Usually I end the evening w/a hug to your mom, and a threat of bodily injury to your dad while I plot my escape route. Aggression is the sincerest form of affection ;), and it ALWAYS gets a "damn idiot" outta your dad!

  4. Hi Annie! Are you Abbie's sister? Thanks for your comment regarding my head wrap. I got it at a local place called 2nd Street Beauty for $6.99!! I bet you could find one on Etsy though. Hmm, I've gotten such positive comments on it that maybe I should stock up and do a give-away!

  5. Ah, I can see that I totally need to be staying in your basement with all those pretty men. Don't tell Mr. Tennis, but I am totally the slave of any man who can build an-y-thing! He's an intellectual, but I love it when he puts on his jeans and says something about hammers or whatever ( I realize this is a PG blog ). Seriously Annie I am so glad this is all coming together and I know it gives you great peace of mind. Ann {{Ollie}} and


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