Sunday, January 2, 2011

Birthday Wishes

Happy Birthday first to Ruby, my mother in law. 
When you pick your husband, you don't get to pick your in laws - it's a package deal.  Most people don't always like the family that comes along with their spouse.  However, I hit the jackpot when I picked Jade.  I have been so blessed to have his family in our lives.  They are so caring and just a wonderful group of people.  In addition to his entire family, his Mom is especially a blessing to us. 

She babysits for us 2 days a week, but does much much more - she shuffles kids to daycare, doctor appointments, and fills in when we need her.  She is a wonderful Grandma and my kids absolutely adore her!  They have a very close relationship & it is wonderful to see how much they love their "Ruru".  Beyond my kids she loves my family.  She adores my niece and loves my sisters.  She has become a very good friend to my Mom which is so nice & when you get them together they laugh hard & trust me they are a loud team.  They are anxiously awaiting their time in the waiting room with baby Ollie.  They both wear #1 Grandma ribbons and I think they really enjoy their time they spend waiting for their next grand baby together.  Beyond her big heart for my kids & family she truly cares about me.  She is my second Mom and I wouldn't pick another if I could.  She has given me the best gift in life - her son.  I am truly blessed each day to have her in my life.  I love you Ruby!

Today is also my handsome husband's birthday.  Today he is 31 - blows my mind I tell you!

When I was 14 I fell in love with him because he was different from the other "boys".  I knew he was my future husband.  He was interesting, funny, challenging, just the whole package - and super cute.

Today I love him for too many reasons.  He is much much more than just cute.

He is a great dad.  Watching him become a father when we had Aubrie made me fall in love with a totally different Jade.  It was a powerful moment in that delivery room!  Since then we have had Everett, and now Ollie on the way.  With each baby he grows as a father & just awes me every day in the way he raises our children.

He keeps life interesting.  Most of the time, since I know him so well, I know what he'll think or what he'll say about certain scenarios, but he always surprises me here and there.  He also pulls out some good jokes - that I often swear are stolen from my Dad - he cracks me up.  I can't always predict what is going through his mind, unless it is food.  He laughs hard with me daily.  Some of my favorite moments are spent right before bed.  I get him laughing so hard he shakes the bed and pulls his knees to his chest while he cackles - it cracks me up every time when I make him laugh that hard - it's great.  With the Ollie events in our lives I have seen a new side to Jade.  Trust me I always knew he was faithful and God filled - another reason I loved him years ago - but a new faithful has come out of his heart and I can't put into words what it's like to experience with him.  He has become my rock more than ever.  We are powerful parenting partners, the very best of friends, soul mates, and the list goes on and on.  I'm excited what this next year has on hold for us - beautiful things I am sure!  The one thing I also hope we get this year is his ability to read my mind in some situations - he hopes that never happens!  ha ha! 

Happy birthday to my husband!  I can't imagine a day without you in my life, and I look forward to a lifetime of memories and laughter!


  1. Two fitting tributes to two people who sound absolutely wonderful. Must be because they were born on the same day and are mother and son! Happy Birthday to your second mom and her son, your handsome hubby! Ann {{Ollie}}

  2. What a beautiful tribute for two of the most important people in your life. Happy Birthday to them both! Family is such a beautiful thread in the fabric of life! I pray for your beautiful family daily. Many blessings to you in this new year. You write so lovely. Anne

  3. I love them both... they are our family. We are blessed.


Thank you so much for your kind words & support! I love hearing from you & read each and every comment you leave for me! ~Annie